entering a fandom like:

323 3 14

What I knew about fn@f before binging the game theory on it: man behind the slaughter meme, dead children lol, robots, fucked up timeline, something something magic soul absorbent metal

What I know now: ballpit???? Time isn't real and god is DEAD! So many murders.... Why, purple guy, whyyy?? Fuck you Scott you did this to the timeline AAAAAAA! Golden bonnie... Matpat you FOOL! That's motherfucking Springtrap!

Also, credit to Eris345 for going "pspspspspsps murder... You like song you might like games... Blood... Death, gore, revenge..... Join meeeeee...." and I, like a fool, followed.

Fuck you you're the reason I stayed up till fuck all hours. /J

It's 3:18 and I'm only on ep 3 in the playlist...

I'll update tommorow, with a far more complete and accurate fn@f lore knowledge.

And yes I'm spelling the Five Nights At Freddy's as fn@f, I'm a HEATHEN what do you expect?

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