TVAU hcs/lore!!

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Ah, The Vivisected AU! Quite possibly one of the strangest things I've ever come up with. I'd love to publish it one day.


Evan's full legal name in TVAU is Evanescene Twilight Insomnia Vulture Afton, suggested by William because he was an emo little fuck.

The lines between magic/technology/person are. Blurry at best, arguably nonexistent.

Evan, because of William's Venoms (a bizzare attempt at immortality by changing the body on a fundamental level), that he's given in a very early point in the story is in a constant cycle of decay/repair. This manifests as being really easily injured (his flesh tears like paper) and as chronic pain. Also, as the Venoms change more and more about his body, his brain gets more foggy and he gets more achy. This is because his skeleton and basic organ structure are drastically changing.

The three Venoms William made are Nightmare, Funtime, and Springlock. These are taken from magic/tech creatures that I still need to fully figure out the logistics of.

Combining the Venoms creates fun, new Venom types!

Nightmare + Funtime = Toy

Nightmare + Springlock = Phantom

Funtime + Springlock = OG

Funtime + Springlock + Nightmare = Scrap

Elizabeth is functionally this au's Scrap Baby, but she only had Funtime venom used on her, ironically!

Evan's blood is mildly acidic/corrosive, as in it stings to touch and eats through bandages in a couple hours. It also is very liquidy and doesn't clot right (in short, hemophilia)

He can also shadow travel, since magic is just straight up a natural part of life in this au.

Speaking of, Cassidy has photokinesis (manipulation of light), Charlie has telekinesis (move objects with her mind), Susie has fangs and unnaturally good reflexes, Fritz is fast as fuck and flexible as hell, Jeremy can noclip through physical objects, Gabriel's eyes glow when he gets emotional, Michael has mild weather control (can't make a full level hurricane but can make it pretty windy if he's pretty pissed), and Elizabeth has machinery powers/is really good with mechanics

Phone Guys are just straight up a magic/tech based species with a complex language and at least four religions, only one of which I will go in depth about at a later date since I actually don't have anythibg on any of these religions except that They Exist and they're probably polytheistic.

Most Phone Guy cultural groups generally originate from desert areas with low human populations. They need a lot less good than humans, and their bodies are a lot less picky about what food it wants.

Cassidy has a cord tail

The Nightmare animatronics don't appear in full until the second half of the first arc.

Galaxy (aka Nightmare, he needed an actual name) is genderfluid

Baby Nightmares and Funtimes can disguise themselves as plushies as a safety precaution

Winnifred and Plightlove (Plushtrap) are Nightmare/Springlock hybrids and twins!

So yeah!! That's all, folks

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