Crybaby Afton theories/hcs

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It's time for more Based Takes with Oof! Crying Child edition!

First, general headcanons.

Had he lived, he would've started making music as an adult and becomes a proud voice provider of a vocaloid produced by Fazbear Entertainment. I've already talked about this one I just really really like it

He changes his name to Oleander because he doesn't want to have a name William chose for him.

Starts out A Tiny Boy, would have grown up to be at least 7 feet tall. Probably taller.

Ate a snake alive at recess once, literally everyone on the playground was terrified. He did that because Mikey did it once and HE turned out fine, so why shouldn't he?! But Michael didn't eat and actual snake, he ate a candy effigy in an unsuccessful effort to scare his brother, which was revealed after Oleander was admitted to the hospital.

Cassidy and Oleander hate eachother, like probably would have killed eachother in 7th grade hate if they didn't die at age 10.

Oleander ate Legos. This had no negative affect on him.

"Jokes" about the Nightmares being better to him than his actual family. It's concerningly hard to tell if he's actually joking or not, but everyone's too scared to ask.

Actually gets to be really good friends with Fritz! They're both musically inclined, and have bizzare eating habits!

(Crack headcanons on Fritz for a sec: son of the vocaloid Fukase, can eat plastic and cardboard and all sorts of other shit like that. Chugs antifreeze for the lolz)

Bullies Mikey by calling him Mickey Mouse and biting his forehead. Yaaasssss king get that revenge!

Ok now The Theorizing Bit. 

1. Vanilla goldenduo. The one you should not have killed/Cassidy and Crying Child share a fursuit. Pretty basic, funny considering the previous hc of them hating eachother.

2. Crybaby Afton moved on after the bite and helps Charlie guide souls to the afterlife. This is supported by the number of souls in the William gets Springlocked cutscene, and he seems like a decently peaceable kid.

3. GoldenSystem

This one will take the most explanation because of the misconceptions and stigma around Dissasociative Identity Disorder, which is rarely if ever portrayed correctly in media.

3a) DID is a traumagenic disorder, caused by chronic childhood trauma. Every source I've seen has mentioned that the trauma has to happen before the age of 10, but don't quote me on that.

3b) alters can, in fact, communicate with each other internally in most cases. If they can't for whatever reason, they can communicate externally by leaving notes etc.

3c) people who have DID aren't evil, like previously stated, the media misrepresents the disorder literally all the time.

If you'd like to learn more in a better, more comprehensive, more well informed way, go to [I'd point you to the page about common myths and misconceptions first] and, two sites that have been very helpful to me and know more than me. Also talking to people who are actually part of a system helps too.

Ok, on with the actual theory.

We know Crybaby Afton had a traumatic childhood with Elizabeth's death, being related to William, and being the target Michael's teen angst. He's probably around ten or younger.

His Fredbear plush (who I'll be calling Winnifred) seems to follow him around DESPITE BEING A TOY and is a protector/advisor, almost like a parental figure. Winnifred is probably a caretaker alter for Oleander, since William is implied to be at least somewhat abusive/neglectful.

The slight color shift for "I will put you back together" could be another alter forming, who would probably be categorized as a Protector alter. An angsty teen named Cassidy! They'd blame William for not putting in better safety measures for the springlock suits and for not doing enough to stop Michael's bullying, thus ultimately blaming him for the body's death.

So yeah that's my thoughts on Crying Child lol

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