more based takes

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Based Takes With Oof: Random Shit With No Canon Basis Because I'm God Now! [There will be a lot of Afton Mom probably. Also Scott slander because he straight up ignores her existence even though she has SO MUCH POTENTIAL YOU FUCKING IDIOT- also rambling about ocs :3]

Mommy Afton, who will be called Laura, was very close to Henry. If William hadn't "disappeared" her, she and Henry totally could've solved the murders together.

She was actually decently strong and could take William in a fight.

Her hair was red, like Elizabeth's, but she had blue-brown heterochromia. Lizzy's eyes are green because genetics are fucking weird.

While Laura's agony/rage fuels Ballora, she does not possess her. Instead, she went on to haunt and torment William after he killed her. After he gets dragged back to hell in Security Breach, she helps beat the shit out of her ex. No UCN style anything for her she just randomly shows up with a baseball bat or something and absolutely demolishes him.

Vanessa is Michael's adopted daughter. She was devastated by the loss of her father in her early 20s, and William used that grief and pain to manipulate her into doing his evil bidding. Michael was so pissed at his dad for doing that to HIS baby girl! You better believe he helps his mom beat the shit out of William in hell.

William made robot(s) that were designed to look/act/seem like humans, without letting anyone else know. The reason he made them was to lure children close to his murder machines so he could do his evil science stuff. Gregory is a model completed by Vanessa under William's instruction, who ran away. He suffers from disassociative amnesia, and spends a lot of his time either looking for basic necessities or trying to find out anything about his past. Like FNAF fans try to decipher what the fuck is wrong with Scott. [Ba dum tss]

As you may or may not know, I have an oc based on the above concept named Human. They were made for Circus Baby's Pizza World, and was thrown into the torture bunker with the other Funtimes after it was closed. It also has disassociative amnesia, and regular robot amnesia! Fun!!

Jeremy Reyes (the dead kid) had a cat. Her name was Birdie because she caught a lot of birdies :)

One can split the dead kids into 2 groups: My Mom Is Alive And Present, and My Mom Is Not Here And/Or Dead

Susie, Gabriel, Jeremy, and Charlie go in the first category. Their moms were actively in their lives and not dead. Since Henry and Nicole (Charlie's mom) stayed on good terms after their divorce, both of them were good parents to her for her tragically short life!

The second category may be smaller but it's very tragic! Yay!!!!
Cassidy's mom left them and their dad when Cassidy was one month old. Well, more like Phil got a restraining order because she was... Well I don't wanna go into detail but let's just say she wasn't a good partner.

Fritz's mom was murdered when he was five. She hid him when she heard someone breaking into their home, but didn't find her own hiding place in time. Fritz was destroyed after losing her, and withdrew socially after that.

Laura was, as mentioned before, killed by William. Since she protected her kids from a lot of William's abuse, losing her was an even worse blow for the Afton kids than just having her disappear would be. The burden of keeping everyone else safe fell to Michael, which stressed and traumatized him to no end and caused him to lash out quite a lot. He never hit his siblings, that'd make him as bad as William, but he did scare them a lot and he'd tell them weird, creepy things. (Like ghost stories in graphic detail. These affected Oleander a lot because of their fragile grasp on reality. Everyone say thank you William for giving him severe mental issues!! 😋)

Cassidy responded to stupid questions like "are you a boy or a girl" with "what are you, a cop?!" or "I'm [age]. Weirdo." They had other retorts but those were some of their favorites.

Oleander can recite all versions of the DSM from memory, word for word, completely perfect. It's a little creepy to hear clinical descriptions of severe disorders coming from the mouth of a dead 10 year old, but you get used to it.

Cassidy and Oleander have antagonistic nicknames for each other. Cassidy calls him Ollie, Ollie Baby, Little Bitch, etc. He hates all of them. So much. "Ollie" isn't even consistent with how "Oleander" is pronounced!! Fuck!!!! It makes him soooo mad.

Oleander's nicknames for Cassidy include Cassie, Motherfucker, Asshole Furry, and Casserole.

If either of them call the other anything but their full first name last initial, that's pretty much a guarantee they're gonna duke it out. Throwing chairs biting kicking mauling the whole thing. It gets boring after a while tbh.

Charlie liked to cook/bake when she was alive! She was not normal about it! She invented pilk, garlic cookies that are shocking delicious, marshmallow chicken sauce that was a genuine disaster in Hurricane's history, and other bizzare dishes. A lot with raw meat because it's irresponsible to let a kid handle the oven alone and no one was gonna help Charlie with her weird ass food.

So yeah that's all my headcanons for today remember to diss Old Bitch Scotty for everything in Fazbear Frights and also because I, an edgy ass middle schooler, could tell a better and more coherent mystery story than him.

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