Cassidy angst Cassidy angst

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[I'm a little obsessed with Cassidy rn lmao]

Old Man Consequences stepped into the room, illuminated by the blue light shining from the computer screens. A blond child watched the monitors, watched the man on them fight against the very monsters he'd created.

He cleared his throat, catching the youth's attention.

Cassidy yelped in surprise, and turned to face him. Their ice blue eyes narrowed. "What do you want, old man?" They snapped. "Can't you see I'm busy? I have a job, damnit!" 

"That's why I'm here, Mx. Guy." He said kindly. "These responsibilities you've imposed on yourself aren't… healthy for you. Especially since you're so young-"

"Shut up. I know what I'm doing, better than you do." Cassidy snapped. God, could he get more annoying?

Old Man Consequences sighed. "Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else."

"You think I wanna do this?! If I leave him, he'll escape! I thought you figured that out already, you incompetent jerk!" They yelled.

"Cassidy, child, I can handle him. Come with me." He extended a hand.

"No! If I give him to you, he'll get out in like five minutes! If you're lucky!"

"If you keep him, he'll still get out. You can't do this by yourself."

"I didn't used to be alone." Cassidy mumbled. "I had friends, even an enemy on my side! We made a great team against William!"

"But your colleagues have moved on! They're happier now, Cassidy. Do you not want to see your father again?" He pleaded.

Cassidy visibly tensed. Old Man Consequences always brought up their dad. "I can't leave. Not even for him. If I do, bad things will happen."

The red creature shook his head tiredly. "You're torturing yourself too, you know."

Cassidy glared at him. "I know. But that doesn't matter! I'm the only one who can keep William contained! It's my anger making this place, my hatred keeping him here! If I stop, he'll fucking kill more innocent children!" They stamped their foot down for emphasis.

Suddenly, the world glitched. The floor tilted, several monitors disappeared while the remaining screens flashed bright, eye-searing neons. Old Man Consequences could've sworn Cassidy's face changed into a horrifying, color-adjusted parody of their true appearance. But just for a split second. Then everything was back as it had been. (Minus the monitors that'd disappeared.)

"Eugh. Sorry 'bout that, it's been happening more often lately." Cassidy mumbled. "He must've made it to six again. Get going, you being here is taking too much energy." They turned to one of the remaining monitors, checking to see if their killer was still in his "office".

"I understand." Old Man Consequences nodded. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me? Your friends miss you dearly. Your father, especially. He's always asking me how you are."

Cassidy looked down at their hands, oily black tears welling in their eyes. "Tell him I'm okay. And that I miss him. Now get going, I can't have William getting out."

Old Man Consequences nodded. "I hope to see you again. Not here, but in the true afterlife. Don't trap yourself here forever."

"Thanks. No promises. Bye." They threw open the door, and Old Man Consequences left.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Cassidy flopped to the floor. Having guests was draining. They'd probably stick to just whatever William chose tonight; they didn't have the energy to send in DeeDee and to summon a more powerful animatronic.

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