Mikey transgender

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[Michael transgender fic? On my account? You better believe it!]

I stood by my little brother's door. I shuffled nervously, squeezing my hands into fists. I had something very important to tell him. It was something I knew he would understand and accept, but I was still nervous to talk about it. So, so nervous…

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. "Hey, Ev? Can I come in? I have something- um, something to tell you."

The door opened, revealing a chubby little boy with large, dark eyes. He was holding his favorite plushie, a yellow bear he'd named Winnifred (much to our father's annoyance). "What do you want to talk about?" He asked.  

"Can we talk about it in your room? I don't want dad to hear." I told him in sign language. The whole family knew ASL, since Evan frequently went nonverbal. It came with the added bonus of us kids being able to talk about anything without our dad hearing. We'd kept a ton of secrets from him like this.

"Oh, yeah! Obviously! Come in, come in!" Since he was holding Winnifred, he still used verbal speech as he stepped aside, gesturing towards the middle of his floor.

I nodded in thanks, entering my brother's room. I sat on the floor next to a stray Foxy plush. The stitches on its neck looked loose.

Evan sat across from me, holding Winnifred in his lap. "So, what'd you wanna tell me?" He asked in sign language.

My throat was suddenly drier than the Sahara, and my hands felt like stones. "Um, well, uh-" I drummed my fingers my knee. I couldn't actually be about to tell him, could I? What if he told Dad? What if he didn't want an older brother who'd been born as his sister? My heart was pounding so hard, I was sure it'd bruise a rib. I couldn't do this, I couldn't tell him! It was too dangerous!

"E- sorry, Ruby? Are you okay?" Evan blinked at me kindly, placing a calming hand on my knee.

I snapped back to reality. My little brother always used whatever name I asked, even if it was just to piss off our dad. He'd been immediately accepting of Charlie when she told them she was a girl who happened to be born with a boy body, there was no reason he wouldn't do the same with his big brother who'd been born with a girl body.

"Yeah." I paused. "I-I wanna talk about my name. And… and maybe not being your sister anymore." I laughed nervously, hands shaking.

"You don't wanna be related to me?!" His lip trembled. "Why not?! Wh-what did I do?!" Tears sprouted at the corners of his eyes.

"No, no! I like being your older sibling! I think I might just be your brother now, not your sister." I quickly explained.

Evan blinked the tears away, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. "That's good, I-I like being your little brother. I like you, most of the time."

I ruffled the younger boy's hair. "I like you too, Little Man."

Evan giggled. "You mentioned you're changing your name again. Are you gonna have a boy name now?"

I nodded. I'd picked my new (and probably final) name weeks ago. "Michael. I'm Michael now." I said softly.

Evan nodded. "Michael's a good boy name. I'm glad you're my brother, Michael." He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around me. Winnifred was subsequently squished between us.

"Thanks, Little Man. That means a lot." Evan's acceptance of me meant more that I could put into words, so I just hugged him back, squeezing him tightly against me.

Evan pulled away after a moment. "Will you tell dad?" He signed carefully, his hands shaky.


He looked relieved. "Good. He'd be…" Evan paused for a moment, like he was looking for the right words. "He wouldn't call you Michael." His expression betrayed that he meant our dad would treat me much worse if he knew.

"I know. When we move out, I won't talk to him again. Ever."

"Neither will I. You're mean, but not nearly as bad as Dad is."

I nodded. "Thanks. But I should go. Dad might come looking for me."

He nodded, and waved goodbye. "Stay safe, Michael."

"You too, Little Man." I snuck out of his room back to mine, careful not to let Dad see me.

[The Afton bro's relationship is so fucked up and sweet and complicated I adore it <3]

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