HAH. I'm very sane

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Reasons to become a night guard during quarantine:

1. No one to get sick! There's only you and a bunch of angry demon furries, it's fine even if you get covid!

2. New buddies! There's a lot of those angry furries, and if you can make them not angry then you've got lots of new friends to play with!

3. There's someone to take your anger out on. You know you've got it bottled up somewhere, just take it out on the dude in purple who hurt your new pals!

4. It gives you a reason to avoid people in the day! This, combined with quarantine, will let you be solitary aside from your murderous robo buddies, and that's all the socializing you need honestly.

5. Shitty pizza is better than no pizza, and if it's bad enough you can use it as a biopoison to kill your enemies (possibly that purple serial killer, and he'll be gone for realsies this time)

Bonus 6: extra cartoon time! You can watch your weird lego shows more now, and introduce your new friends to it!

In conclusion, become a freddy's night guard this 2021 and build an army of angry robot friends so you can have more friends to gush over legos with

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