Based Takes With Oof: Kaneko Fritz Headcanons!!

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Hello and welcome to Based Takes With Oof! Today, we'll be hearing all about Fritz, the dead child! Most of these will be crack-treated-seriously style things lmao, which is a telltale sign I adore this kid

His dad is the Vocaloid Fukase, his mother is a normal human woman. This caused some drama over his existence. Oopsies.

Less dead than the other kids, since he's part vocalsynth. (Like, he's still pretty conscious in Foxy, he can still eat and drink, stuff like that) It made him harder to kill, too.

Besties with Jeremy (Bonnie kid), and got lured back alongside him. Fritz literally watched him get killed, and tried to escape. He didn't.

Actually pretty goofy! He liked to mess around and play, but he wasn't a very extroverted kid. He had a couple close friends (Elizabeth and Jeremy) but you couldn't pay him to talk to a stranger.

Despite this, he really liked attention when he was on a stage! It was probably a combination of being a vocaloid and not having to actually interact with other people when he was onstage, but he definitely really liked it!

He got his dad's hair color (bright, cherry red) and almost got in trouble for having his hair be "dyed" since it was the eighties in Utah. It took a lot of arguing from Fukase but he didn't get in trouble! He just got emotionally scarred! #slay

It took a while, but since Fritz already knew Crybaby from hanging out with Lizzy, he befriended him! Well, Crybaby did, but same difference.

His scleras are black, like Fukase's left eye. This was a little hard for other people to get used to, but they... Kinda did.

He was seven and a half when he died, on Jeremy's eighth birthday.

He also got along pretty well with Oliver! (Oliver is a vocaloid produced by Yamaha, same as Fukase) another win for friendship :)

So yeah that's. My takes on Fritz Kaneko-Deadchild. (I've heard that Fukase's surname is Kaneko, but I haven't been able to confirm it lmao. I'll keep using it though, I think it sounds nice)

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