top 10 things I can't fuckin believe

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Top 10 things I can't believe about FNAF!

10. Scott just made Ballora without a shirt. Sir it's probably very cold in the bunker!! She needs more clothing than what she has!!

9. We still don't technically know Crybaby Afton's actual name. We have a couple contenders and a kind of terrible fan name (Chris is a bad name I don't like it) and nothing else. We literally need one (1) voice line or piece of writing or for the sentient teddy bear to refer to his person by name.

8. Fazbear Ent. Hasn't canonically made a Freddy Fazbear vocalsynth?? Some of FNAF legit takes place in the future, and I want a Freddy vocaloid YESTERDAY. And Fazbear Ent. seems decently tech savvy, it's not impossible!

7. There's still mikebro vs mikevictim discourse. I will not elaborate.

6. Apparently I'm like. The first person to call Michael "Ennard's fursuit" every time I phrase it like that people go wild. They tend to find it funny which is nice but still.

5. No mention at all of Mommy Afton. This has led me to genuinely question whether or not she actually exists. The Afton kids could all be freakishly impressive feats of genetic engineering and/or robotics, for all we know.

4. Michael likes math apparently. One of his doodles in the Freddy files is a little math superhero. Truly dadcore. (My dad is the biggest math nerd you have no idea-)

3. William apologists who also demonize the dead kids. Honestly if I got brutally murdered at the tender baby age of 7 at my or my besties birthday party I'd be so pissy too. You would be lucky if I didn't fuck up entire cities! Unless I find my killer easily and wipe them off the face of the earth.

2. Tbh I just made this list to get to number one but I also would like everyone to know I've seen robot porn on Google images. The little crying boy and the demons trying to kill him smooching too (no outright nsfw thankfully but like, stuff where it's implied they boned. Ew.)                                   I do not like Google images.

1. Glamrock Freddy doesn't have the same voice actor as Big Al vocaloid???? Legit they sound so similar I can't believe their VAs are different :( [if you want a good example of Big Al's voice, listen to Dopamine Machine by Ferry. Dopamine Machine is awesome and it's a wonderful use of a kind of obscure vocalsynth!!] Anyways Big Al vocaloid possesses Glamrock Freddy. How do I know this? I wish it to be true. The end.

FN@F bullshitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora