"Mhm whatever" Mani side eyed her

"Aye I'm finna get up outta here my ride outside" Santana said Standing up and stretching

"Thanks again" Nuni said with a small smile

Santana nodded and walked out the door

When the door closed Imani turned towards me and smiled "bitch" she dragged "spill it" Imani said sitting down on the couch

"Since you wanna know so bad he just drove me home I wasn't in the best condition to drive after I left the graveyard" Amour mumbled

"Amour was you drinking again" Imani asked

Amour mugged "Don't ask me no shit like that I'm always drinking so don't do that"

"Okay but around this time you tend to over do it I thought we talked about this-"

"Girl I'm grown as fuck I know what the fuck i be doing now so stop tryna make me feel like a alcoholic" Amour yelled

Alcoholic : a person suffering from alcoholism.

"You know we just be worried about you" Imani said

"Who is we" Amour asked

"Your grandma and I"

"Ughhhhhhhh" Nuni yelled dramatically

Imani pushed Amour shoulder "Stop don't do that you really need to talk to her she's been apologizing Amour she really miss you"

"I miss her too" Amour said dryly clearly with an attitude

Amour had been mad at her grandmother for months. They had gotten into a argument over something petty.

"Well I gotta go I was Just coming to check up on you" Imani said getting up from the couch

Imani knew that the argument Amour and GG had was eating Amour up , Nuni never went too long without talking to her GG she was her favorite person , she was the person Nuni went to for advice or even just to vent her Grandma knew some of her darkest secrets. Her Grandma been there since the day she was born helped raise Nuni until her parents got back on their feet.

"Alright bye lock my door please" Nuni said as Imani walked out the door.

A few Moments later....

Amour sat on the patio smoking thinking about life , maybe if I jump right now all the pain and problems might go away she thought "nah I couldn't do that to my grandma" she paused "I can't do that to Loyal or Imani they been through way too much already" she mumbled

Amour thought about things that went on these past few years , many accomplishments but more pain and loses. She opened a shop up , bought a car , and she moved into a nice condo downtown. Some people thought Amour was living the dream life rich she was rich before 21 , hell who don't wanna be rich before 21? But deep down Amour was going through shit behind closed doors , things that she couldn't talk to Imani about because honestly Imani wouldn't understand.

"The only thing I need in this life of sin" Nuni said as took a gulp of Hennessy



Ezeikel sat in a dark room thinking about what his next move was. He eliminated anybody and everybody that was in his way of coming home safely. He wondered how would Amour act? Can he just pop up and beg for forgiveness? Nah Amour might shoot him he thought and laughed , he loved the amazing women that she grew up to be he wished that he was there.

Ezekiel and Amour mother Amina was hardly in Amour's life the two watched her grow up from a distance the was too deep in the street life to have her around it was a lot of drugs, guns, money in the home. When Nuni turned twelve the two attempted to take care of her but it soon failed when they got drowned in the streets. The tried again when she was 16 it kinda worked but it was too late Amour knew how to take care of herself. Kasi , Grandma took care of Amour since the day she was released from the hospital.

Kasi knew what her daughter and her son in law did , the two was dealing and using drugs. Kasi was no dummy to it her husband ; Amina father did drugs she knew how they'd make you act and what they did to your body. She didn't want Amour to be in that type of environment.

Ezekiel Phone ringed making him jump out of his thoughts , he cleared his throat "Hello"

"Ezekiel boss man" the man on the other side of the phone said

"What's up talk to me" Ezekiel said

"It about Amour and Santana the two seems to be getting pretty close , he was spotted at West gravesite with her" he paused "that's not all Amour showed him where she lives that's not good , Santana is very dangerous Amour could be in danger"

He huffed then started laughing "Can't wait until she finds he the one that took her brother out , I won't be the one to have to kill him Amour will"

The two continued the conversation about the plans they have about returning home , when Ezekiel returns all hell shall break loose...

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