Chapter 26: Forever

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Last chapter:'( Read my authors note, please!

"LETS GO GRABBERS!" Ella cheers from beside me, most likely deafening me.

Today is the day. The day. The Grabbers won regionals and kicked butt all the way until the finals. If they win this, they'll be the best amateur team in America. Pretty exciting even for someone who doesn't really care about football. But hey, Miller sat through all of my dance competitions, so this is the absolute least I can do in return.

Plus, I may or may not enjoy seeing my boyfriend all sweaty and breathless.

As for dance, the season is over, thank the lord. For the first time, we won with Ella as the lead and got the cash and title. I'm auditioning for the Hollywood Dance University next weekend and could not be more nervous about it.

Ella sits back down. "Your boyfriend, being on the team, I would think you'd be more enthusiastic." She shrugs and takes a huge bit out of her hot dog. Carter, who is sitting next to his girlfriend, smiles.

I'm still not fully adjusted to the Carter and Ella thing. Although, I must've been blind before to not see the way they look at each other. They are the ideal of Young and In Love. I've forgiven Ella to an extent where we can hang out, but nothing will truly return back to normal. Ella is making an effort to be extra friendly and I'm not afraid to say something if one of her old habits seep through. Charlotte is still wary about her, but I know she will crack. It feels so good to have a true friend again that I let Ella pick out what I'm wearing today just because she's always wanted to.

My white shirt says BABE in hot pink and you can see my black bandeau bra underneath the see-through white. I was forced into a pair of black jeans that apparently make my legs look longer, according to Ella. Carter agrees, but his opinion is almost always the same as Ella's, therefore invaluable. I haven't seen Miller since last night, but I know he would love to see me in something so loose.

I've patched things up barely with mom. All of our conversations have been the awkwardest thing ever. She's accepted that she's basically lost her daughter and I no longer have a mother I can confide in. Some things aren't meant to be ended happily.

Down on the field, Miller gets replaced with one of his teammates. He never gets put out. I hate to brag, but he's their most valuable player. They wouldn't sit him unless he was injured, which he clearly is not, or his plays were terrible. I'm guessing the latter.

I excuse myself from the canoodling that is happening and run down the stands to where the team is sitting. A large bodyguard stops me. He tells me that only team members, coaches, and people with direct orders can enter the playing area. I try to explain that my boyfriend might need a pep talk, but he addresses me as one of those stalkerish girlfriends and shoos me away.

"Wait!" Miller's voice halts me and send a my heart pounding, as always. "She can come in. She can always come in."

The guard looks unhappy about the fact that he has to obey orders from a teenager and even unhappier that he has to let me in. I push through the little entryway he's given me, careful not to hiss at him.

My arms wrap around Millers neck, and his, my torso. Nowadays, it feels like I'm actually his girlfriend. To a certain extent, I was his girlfriend before, but it only ever feels real, right here. Maybe it's because we've come to accept that no relationship will be perfect or maybe the word "love" bonds us like nothing did before.

"Oh god." He buries his head into my shoulder and breathes in my scent. "You should not have worn that outfit. I can't afford to feel so strongly about you during a game. Dammit."

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