Chapter 14: Chocolate and Cheesy Jokes

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Ella comes out first, only wearing a bra and shorts, Carter's shorts. She doesn't look embarrassed at all, instead amused. I'm not surprised.

I've never seen any girl only in her bra before, besides myself and my self-esteem has probably just dropped fifteen storeys. Unlike my mom and clearly Ella, I am flat chested. Not completely, but my cup size is below average for a nearly eighteen year old girl.

"Where did you just come from? Night out with Miller?" she asks almost politely.

"No, I-" I try to deny it, but she cuts me off with so much harshness, I'm surprised she hasn't turned into a snake, "Oh shut up, your brother told me everything."

Sometimes I wish that mom didn't share information with other family members.

Eyeing her nudeness, I retort, "Clearly, that was not enough."

We stand there, glaring at each other until Carter walks up in his boxers and night shirt. My twin telepathy senses tell me that he wants to be blown up with dynamite right now. I would too if my sister had caught me having sex on a swing.

"You guys are going to have so much fun when mom finds out," I smile at the pair.

"Caitlin!" Carter hisses, "You aren't going to tell mom because if you do a certain someone is going to report your late curfew. Then the both of us will have to get fitted for ankle trackers."

Oh my god, he did not!

Why was I so stupid? I could've seen them doing it, then went to my room, put on my pajamas and come out here like I had just gotten up. That way they would've had nothing to use against me and the two of them would basically be killed.

Carter sighs and kisses Ella on the top of her forehead(Miller did the same thing to me), "Cait, you act so innocent all the time. Especially after tonight, I doubt that you're still a virgin."

I almost laugh at that. Everyone knows that I'm still a virgin and my own brother is questioning it. Heck, I'm probably never going to lose my virginity! I'm pretty sure Ella lost her virginity in 8th grade because that's when her sex stories started popping up everywhere. 

"You do understand that you're cheating on Tasha, right?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"I broke up with that slut already," he looks disgusted by her, but the real people he should be disgusted at is himself and the blonde chick licking his neck.

I snort really loudly and pig-like, "Oh right, Tasha's the slut."

How does he even have the nerve to call Tasha a slut when he just slept with my ex-best friend on a swing chair? I mean, I understand why both of them did it. Carter is the hormonal and lonely teen he always is and Ella is just trying to get on my nerves.

"Slut or non-slut, you can't tell mom. If you do, I'm guessing your little relationship with Miller with be over," he smirks distastefully, obviously knowing that he's got me trapped.

The funny thing is that my relationship with Miller isn't exactly real. I honestly don't care if my parents break connections between us, but what I am worried about is that I will be punished for walking through the door eight hours after I am supposed to. The punishment will be something like an ankle bracelet tracker or something worse.

From the corner of my eye, I see Ella's hand reach into Carter's pants and I almost throw up. I want to tell Carter that she's using him, but he's known for trusting his girlfriends more than his sister. 

Girlfriend? Only now do I register that Ella and Carter are probably a thing.

"I'm guessing you bitches are not only making babies, but also dating?" I pull all of my hair to one shoulder and run my fingers through it to calm myself down. It really doesn't help when my fingers get stuck in the tangles.

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