Chapter 20: Amazing Heat

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"Carter? Carter! What the hell?! Why is the music so loud?"

I look around and figure out that at least half of the school is in my house. From the freshmen to the seniors, this place is jam packed with drunk teenagers. How did Mrs. Hall let all these kids in and how did they get the beers? I really hope Carter didn't knock her unconscious... again. That was one hell of an explanation for my parents.

If we have to explain why this place is filled with empty cans of beer and vomit, then I will lose it. Carter has gone way past the line now. All I was doing was studying for a midterm, when BAM the music turns on, full blast and at first, I thought that Carter was just listening to it in his room, but little did I know what was happening. I hear the laughter and shouting, so I come down to a huge party. Some ass has already spilt his drink all over my unicorn PJs and even got a little on my nerd shirt. Screw them, honestly.

"CARTER MAYS!!!" I holler above the music. A few heads turn my way and some even point the direction of wear my brother is currently standing. Of course there is a can of beer he's chugging down and his group surrounding him.

To this day, I still don't know how he got elected student body president. Alas, our school only looks for the attractive bunch. He doesn't know I didn't vote for him and he doesn't have to.

When I slap the beer can out of his hand, toppling it on the floor, his friends clear away. They mutter swear words and trip over each other to get away. Carter looks outraged, but he's a little tipsy, so he also looks confused. This is Carter's favourite stage in drinking because he's high enough to have fun, but not high enough to not know what's happening and he doesn't(usually) get a bad hangover the next morning. Wow, I spend too much time with my brother.

"Caitlin." He gives me a drunk hug and in return, I try to squirm away from him. "Carter! I'm trying to study and everyone else her should be too! You'd better tell them to leave!"

He shakes his head with amusement and takes my hand. Carter spins me around like in all those chick flicks and laugh hoarsely. "Loosen up! Have some fun!!!"

"Yeah? For one, I don't want to get in trouble because of you dumb shenanigans, Carter! TELL EVERYONE TO LEAVE OR I'M CALLING THE COPS!" I yell in his face as I take my phone out of my pocket to prove the point.


Out of nowhere Ella pops out, handing Carter another beer. Did I mention that her skimpy little self is in only a bra and really short shorts? She puts her mouth against Carter's neck and begins to 'seduce'?

I try my best to not explode and to not look their way.

Then I see Miller. He's dressed so neatly, yet ruggedly at the same time with a Beatles merchandise shirt. His hair is shiny with gel, but it clearly wasn't used for making the hair beat as it stands it all different angles. I almost feel as though the chocolate bar mess hasn't happened.

Should I go over there? People would stare because we're exes and I hate the attention. But, this whole chocolate bar thing has been dragging out for too long and it's become ridiculous, if it wasn't already.

When I finally build up the courage to walk over there, someone seems to have already gotten there before me.

Ashley stands in against Miller, like really against. Her hips are moving up and down his pelvis area, while his hands are in her bright red hair. She sucks on ever prove of skin visible and Miller is groaning so loudly, I can feel it vibrating through me.

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