Chapter 1: Then It Hits Me

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~Chapter One: Then It Hits Me~

Stupid hair.

Do you know how impossible it is to brush through this mess of hair, while trying not to be late for dance class? I do.

I brush the top part of my brown hair easily, but once I reach the ends, it's like a lawn mower that is stuck on a rock. It's been forever since I've cut it, so now at butt length, my hair is dry and brittle. And the fact that I have curls at the ends doesn't help. We all know that curls are the monster.

I finally, but barely manage to pull my brush through the nest that is supposedly called hair. I'm glad that I don't wear makeup. It saves me the hassle of putting it on every morning. Worst of all, makeup makes people look like clowns. Since I'm finished getting ready, I rush downstairs for saturday morning waffles.

I ride the elevator down, making sure to hold on tight to the railings inside of the elevator. I hate elevators because I'm claustrophobic. I would take the stairs, but mornings are already miserable enough. I've learnt that holding onto the bars and closing your eyes helps.

Once I get out of the tiny space, the smell of mom's chocolate chip waffles sends me running towards the kitchen. I probably knocked a bunch of housewives and butlers down, but they understand my need for food well enough to know that it wasn't on purpose.

"What do girls do that take them so long to get ready? I've been down here for twenty minutes," my twin brother Carter wondered aloud. He shoves his last piece of waffle into his mouth and grabs his pack, that is dangling from the chair.

Mom walks into the scene, carrying a delicious plate of freshly made waffles. It's taking me all my restraint not to eat it all up. I am falling crazily for waffles. I love them so much.

"Leaving so soon?" Mom questions Carter, beginning to raise an eyebrow. I can see where she's coming from. The sun has barely come out yet and Carter is packing to go somewhere. How typical of him.

Carter and I were both born February 19th, making us twins. Since we're different sex, it's hard to tell if we are identical or fraternal twins. If I were to decide based on our personalities, instead of looks, we'd be fraternal twins by a long shot. Carter gets his spunky personality from Mom, who was popular and the student body president back in her day, just like Carter is at our school. I am more like Dad: someone who doesn't mind being alone. If I were to cut my hair, Carter and I would look exactly the same, except for two things. The chest is one because I'm a girl, so I have breasts. Secondly, our eye colours are drastically different. I have blue eyes and my twin's eyes are a brown colour, resembling chocolate.

Carter swings his bag over his shoulder.
"I'm going to plan the homecoming dance with the committee. They need their president there to agree to the ideas. I'm also going to spend the day with Tasha, if you all don't mind."

Even if I wanted to mind, I can't because nothing gets in between Carter and his girlfriend. Tasha is nice enough and really pretty, but I think she isn't good for Carter. She has a record of being a drug addict and Carter only does alcohol. When they just become a thing a year ago, I accidentally walked in on them while they were having sex. I was trying to find my history textbook, instead I found two very nude people sweating on top of each other. That image will remain in my head for as long as I may live.

"What are you two going to be doing?" My lips quirk up in a smirk and my eyebrows simultaneously begin to wiggle.

"At least I have someone who loves me in the way that you're implying," Carter's head is faced down in attempt to hide his blush.

Another difference between Carter and I is that Carter always had girls in love with him, whereas I was always the oddball. Boys ignored me while girls would get lost in Carter's eyes. It's unfortunate for me that I've got the looks of a boy. If you think, you'll realize that since Carter and I have the same face, it can only look good with the features of one gender. My face would look good if I were a boy... I hate my life.

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