Q&A + Fun Facts!

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@MaryDanielleDelosRey: To Author - Will there be a sequel/spin-off?

I have to say no. I'm not particularly good at writing sequels or spin-offs to my own books, even though I only tried once. However, you will be able to see Caitlin and Miller in my other book, Pretty Boy In Love. They will be side characters, who work with the main character, but since I love them, their parts may be bigger towards the end of that book;)

@SapphireRebel263: To Caitlin - Do any of your kids have the dairy allergy from you?

Thank God, no. Unfortunately, they all have some form of lactose intolerance, but nothing as bad as my allergy. Literally, I cannot eat a piece of cake without hives. I have this odd theory that my dairy allergy will be the reason I die...

@SapphireRebel263: To Miller - Why did you give up football?

That was one of the hardest decisions of my life. I did football for the same reason Caitlin did dance, because I loved it. Unfortunately for me, I saw no future in it because I wasn't exactly a top notch player. In my university football team, I was not even a very good player and I wasn't having fun. It was also getting in the way of my academics and shortening my time spent with Caitlin. So, in the end, I chose a law path.

@SapphireRebel263: To Carter - Why did you break up with Tasha?

I'm not a bad guy, okay? Sorry, for the outburst, but I do actually care about people. After seeing my feelings for Ella, I couldn't possibly continue on with Tasha. I loved her and still do love her as a friend, but dating her would be unfair to her, Ella, and myself. I can make good decisions.

@SapphireRebel263: To Author - Would you want to write another story about Caitlin and Miller?

Want to? Yes, but the real question is Can I? Having them as side character is easy because you really aren't writing much about them, but having them as main characters is harder. One day, if I wake up with super sequel/spinoff writing powers, then I will definitely return to this book, but today, that has not happened, so no. 


1. Miller's name came from a commercial... Yeah, that's right. I don't remember which commercial it was, but they were literally talking about a miller and I just thought about how it was a cool name and here we are!

2. Caitlin is not really based off of me... Honestly, she isn't based off of anyone. I take differet parts of people's personalities and combine them to create a quirky character like Caitli who I put thourgh intense character development.

3. There was supposed to be a subtle sex scene in the book but... I figured it was too out of Caitlin's character to have sex with someone she barely started dating. And I feel that Caitlin is the type of girl who waits until university at least.

4. There were times when I wanted to scrap this story... I am so glad I continued, though. It was all worth it in the end.

5. Ella wasn't supposed to backstab Caitlin... I originally planned for them to be friends throughout the book, but an impulsive decision came and then Ella was the most hated girl in this story.

6. I regret not adding more people of different races and sexualities in the story... You will definitely see some different skin tones and sexualities in my future books. I want to tell everyone that it's okay to be who you are. However, I will never write an LGBT story.

 That's all folks:) Once again, I am going to miss you all so so much. I really do hope I see you guys in my future books because I really appreciated the support you gave me and hopefully continue to do so. I love you guys to mars and back<3

This is comically updating this book for the very last time. 21/02/2015

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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