Chapter 16: There Is A First Time For Everything

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Miller's POV(In honor of my 1 year anniversary on Wattpad!)


The Halloween Homecoming Dance comes and goes.

I went, of course because I needed to keep my reputation up for having scored all the Homecoming King slots on the market and Ella had to protect her Queen spot. Our dance was simply awkward because I still harbor a deep hatred for her.

Now though, I think I may hate Caitlin more than I do her and it's not really even her fault.

"Dude," Jaxon slaps my back, "Stop slumping around! Carter Mays is having a party tonight and I hear it's going to be rockin'. His house is a mansion, man. I would know, I live right in front of it."

Usually, I'd be full out for the idea, but I'm just not feeling like I want to walk into the house of the girl who rejected me, while a bunch of horny teenagers are having dry sex on the couch right next to me. It doesn't seem me anymore.

When I reject, Jaxon rolls his eyes and raises his eyebrows somehow simultaneously, "We haven't been drunk in forever! Let Caitlin out of your head, man. She'll be cooped up in her room during the party anyways, there's no doubt about that."

That's when I realize that I'm being insanely stupid. Parties were always my favourites and what has changed? Nothing, except that fact that my ego has been pulled down by probably the prettiest girl this damn universe has created. I swear, I'm just going to stay away from girls until I'm forty.

When I finally agree, Jaxon hoots in enthusiasm and lets me go to practice.

The football season is starting very soon, so coach makes us practice nearly everyday. I've always loved playing for the city because of it's competitiveness and I am also find of playing for the school because its just pure enjoyment watching the other teams struggle against me.

One problem. Caitlin's dance thing is also coming up and she practices just as often as I do. The way she takes to get home passes the field every freaking time, which is why I'm so distracted.


"Hey day dreamer?" my teammate Rick pushes my shoulder, "I think you'd be more useful playing than thinking about rainbows an unicorns."

As I scowl at him, he hands me a football and runs about 50 metres across from me, our designated warm up length. I give my hardest throw, which should usually put the ball way behind him, but Rick actually has to dive forward to catch the ball. What the fuck?

"Man, you really need to brush up on your skills! Wasn't it you that threw the football all the way to the parking lot yesterday?" he runs towards me, groping the football and planting a smirk on his face.

"Shut the fuck up," I hiss as my comeback. Probably not very witty, but it's hard for me to concentrate when Caitlin has just come out of the building.

You really have it bad.

I actually miss the Miller Woods that didn't have to chase girls and on the contrary was chased by girls. The one that always had a tail of girls who were drooling and could call a girl any night when he was lonely. I used to like blondes so much because I always thought of them as prettier, but everything has changed since brown-haired, blue-eyed Caitlin Mays strolled in my life.

Right now, the wind is blowing through her mass of tangles and she looks exhausted, but still as pretty as she's ever been. The bag on her shoulder seems too heavy for her thin, athletic build and her pale skin is now rosy red.

Then It Hits MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt