Chapter 21: Prostitute Wardrobe Malfunction

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Miller never mentioned that his friend was 16, pretty, model skinny yet still curvy, and had the most gorgeous locks that I've seen in a while.

He also didn't mention that she was his girlfriend at some point in his life.

Her name is Maddie and she has a just as pretty 13 year old little sister named Mackenzie. They are both dancers and Maddie has won nationals before as a soloist for our age division, which is what I am going for this year. She met us after she performed a couple of aerials in our faces and them smooching on Miller's face. As you can relate, I am absolutely overjoyed to have her along the ride.

"Kenzie and I have decided to take you all out to dinner!" Maddie claps her hands together enthusiastically, beckoning for her sister to join her. "Change into something fancy!"

I didn't know we were having a flawless tour guide...

Even though this perfectly average girl is being totally sweet, I still manage to hate her. It's awful because I never make strong judgment of people until I know them well, but pretty little Madison doesn't give me a chance.

I'm pretty passionate about my dancing, but I don't even dress in a dance costume all day everyday like Maddie is. She has he shortish brown hair in a perfect high ponytail and it constantly doing flips as we find our room. She hands us each room cards to use to unlock and of course picks Millet to do the honors of opining our room door. Just peachy.

Our room is really much bigger than I expected. Obviously the guys and girls won't be sharing beds, so when you walk in, the room separates into to rooms. To the left is a bathroom and the right is a big closet. The colors of the room reminded me of Maddie and I barely know her; blue and white, cool with an edge.

"Girls," Maddie calls for the females' attention. "There is this wonderful hair stylist downstairs, so go pamper yourselves!"

I swear, she should be a tour guide when she's older. She's ot that southern belle accent and a crisp pronunciation of words. Maybe I should give her a guide of France and a plane ticket there, that would be nice. 

"Damn  god spent a lot of time on the girl." Char notices how beautiful she is just like I did. Plus, she has the slim, athletic dancer's body that even I have not totally got yet and I have the same dance titles as her. I wonder if Char noticed how Miller was eye-raping her?

The other girls nod and mumble incomprehensibly, even me. They strip from their clothes and slap on one of the casual dresses they brought. I didn't even think we were going to do anything remotely special, so there are absolutely no dresses in my suitcase. I will have to ask a girl to borrow theirs and the only girl close to my size is Hanna and she is way shorter than me still.

Entwining my fingers together tightly, I go over to Hanna, who is spraying her hair with heat protectant. "Hanna, can you, um... Do you think you could lend me one of your dresses for the night?"

My biggest fear would be if Hanna didn't have another dress, but it all worked out. She tells me she's a bit of an over-packer, which was a great thing for me today.

It's white and NO ONE looks good in white, except apparently Hanna. I am not Hanna, so therefore the white dress make my skin look very dark. I already had a slight tan on me from summertime and now the dress is just bringing that out. I knew it was bad when the girls sucked their breath in and told me how fabulous I looked in fake voices. Besides making my look like I tanned for a bit too long, honest Ash tells me that it's too short and the supposedly flirty cleavage looks like I got the collar done wrong. 

All three of them help with my makeup and hair to attract the attention away from my horrendous dress. We end up pulling it half up half down and straightening it, then curling the ends loosely. The makeup is a bit much, but as long as it tears their eyes away from my body, I will get plastic surgery if they requested it.

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