Chapter 4: I Peed In My Pants

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~Chapter Four: I Peed In My Pants~

"Was sleeping with Miller totally hot? Wait, don't answer that! It's so obvious that it was!"

I was wrong.

I expected mean, demented comments about my stay at Miller's, but instead I got congratulations and questions. The way my school reacts to things is different every time.

It's not like Miller and I did anything. I slept two rooms away from him, so I doubt that anything could've happened. The night was peaceful, except for Miller's snoring, which did not aid me in the sleeping department.

"Miller Woods likes you," my voice startles Ella, as she is putting her books into her backpack for the end of the day. Her eyes go wide and she drops her pack into the ground. The blonde curls framing her face are pulled behind her ear and her red lips are rolled into her mouth.

She picks up her backpack and glares at me, "I know you're lying, Cait. Miller Woods likes Ashley and that's final."

Ashley is a very nice cheerleader with beautiful dyed red hair and warm brown freckles. Once again, I said that she was nice, not your typical rude and snobby blonde cheerleader. There was a rumour, last year that the whole soccer team liked her because she wasn't like the makeup-faced jerks on her team. I may be mistaken, but I think Ashley and Miller dated back in the freshman day. According to the 'totally true gossip' Miller is continuing to love Ashley and is waiting to get her back.

Ella may say that I am lying, but everyone who has ever meant me knows that I am not a liar. I never tell lies because they make me uncomfortable. If I were in the book 'Divergent', I would be Candor all the way. Some people call it a disadvantage, but I call it a gift. Nobody likes a liar anyways.

"Do you want me to drive you home? You know, so Miller doesn't forget to do it," Ella changes the subject once we pass through the school's front doors and a huge blast of autumn wind blows us backwards.

My hair blows into my face, covering my eyes and forcing myself to trip over my own feet. Not the first time. I put my arms out, in hope of lessening the impact on my chest and shut my eyes really tight. I expect to land on a rough surface, but I find myself on a soft and warm one. It doesn't even feel like I'm on the ground. There are many, many times where I've fallen and this is by far the most comfortable position I have fallen into.

A warm breath on the top of my head makes me pop open my eyes, "Are you planning to get off, or should I plan to die like this?"

I don't even need to lift my head to see who caught me because the voice is very recognizable and the scent is the same pine flavour he always wears. Ella, beside me is giggling her little head off, accompanied by a few other girls.

"It's funny how whenever I trip, you mention death," I attempt to stand back up on my own two feet, but I fall back into place.

Miller grips onto my shoulders and pushes me back to my normal position, "You'll one day die from falling down and hitting your head too hard. It's completely possible." His eyes dart over to Ella, who is quietly watching our conversation. The two simultaneously stare at each other and sulk in what needs to be sulked in.

"Come on, Caitlin. Let's get you home," his eyes never really leave Ella. I smirk at how obvious he is making the fact that he likes her. He might as well have a sign.

Once we are in his truck, I smack a sticky note with the directions to my house on his steering wheel. I do not need to spend another night at his house.

"So, you couldn't take your eyes off of my friend, huh? I mean it literally," I bob my eyebrows up and down, as Miller's face grows redder and redder by each bob. His lips are in one thin line, trying not to either cry or laugh.

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