Charlie scoffed at him "if you're gonna lie to me you can just bugger off" he said with a huff. I laughed "no he is actually telling the truth. He won the lottery with the numbers. You wanna know what's kinda weird and funny at the same time? The numbers actually represent half the members of the A team" I said with a shrug before taking a sip out of my flask that I always had filled nowadays. you can find alcohol anywhere. Especially when your a speedster.

"Wait so you really won the lottery?" Charlie asked Hugo in shock

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"Wait so you really won the lottery?" Charlie asked Hugo in shock. 

Hugo would have answered but he was blinking at me in shock with the new information "what do you mean the numbers represent people?" he asked me, sitting up in interest. 

I laughed and took a big swig from my flask. Of course, right back to the questions. 

I sighed "ok so long story short there is this immortal dude called Jacob on the island. The others worship him and he is supposed to direct their leader but the guy who is leading them right now has never talked to Jacob once. Jacob makes a list of possible replacements and they are all numbered, I'm not sure which numbers you guys are but it's you, Jack, Kate, Sayid, Kwon and I think Locke. They represent 4,8,15,16,23,42, they don't know which Kwon it is though so they count as one number. Dude this whole thing is one big mind fuck, get used to it" I said with a shrug while he just sat there in complete shock at the information I had just given him. I seem to have that effect on people.

 I seem to have that effect on people

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After that conversation it was a few days before I had another goddamn questioning, and by the torturer himself. 

At least the last couple days I've gotten to just chill out on a beach and have a nice time, plus Clair let me play with the baby which was so fucking cute. 

I was just sitting here peacefully when Sayid came and sat next to me. I can literally feel the questions that are about to come out of his mouth. 

I turned to him and gave him a "what?" Look. 

"what is happening with Shannon?" he asked, getting straight to the point. 

I laughed lightly "honestly I have no clue but I do know it's real and I told her to ignore it and you should do the same thing. DO NOT under any circumstances let her take the dog and go searching for him, well unless you want a dead girlfriend" I said shrugging at the end.

He got very concerned when I said that so I cut him off before he could even start "that's how she dies if I never came, I will repeat for the thousandth time. I am here to help you" I said before flopping onto my back in the sand. 

What he said next actually surprised me "thank you, I know we don't make it easy but thank you for helping us" he said sincerely. 

I gave him a real smile and nodded at him. 

We just sat in silence for a few minutes. 

"By the way, I want you to play along when Russo brings you to the others. Act like you think he is innocent, completely play along until you have him safely tied up in the hatch. Make sure Russo comes with you back to the Hatch. If she tries to leave, tell her that you know how to get her daughter back. Do not let him hear you say that under any circumstances" I said being completely serious. 

He nodded at me understanding by now to just listen. Ok this is getting easier.


I might do a short pop over to somewhere else in the middle of these lost ones cuz at this point its getting kinda long. Happy reading

Disclaimer:i own nothing but my own original character and plot

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