Sick Week

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This is most likely going to be very fluffy. You have been warned. Raven and Beastboy are already dating in this one-shot

        There were many disadvantages that came with being green and having animal in you. Things like people calling you a freak, Never being able to stay still because of animal instincts, and the worstof all, mating season.shudders. With all of these bad things, there was also one very good thing that came with the deal. Due to the complexity of his ever-changing DNA, Beastboy usually never gets sick. That is until earlier today. You see, there comes a time in every robot's life that you decide that showing off in your car is a good idea. Okay so maybe that doesn't really happen but Cyborg was trying to show off since him and his green friend were crusing around. Cyborg decided, why not try to drift the single most top heavy S.U.V in Jump City.

        The results were immediate. Red sirens began blaring, alerting the other titans that the t-car was attcaked in some way. Less than a minute later, three very worried titans saw a flipped t-car, a crying Cyborg, and a very sick Changeling. It took all of Raven's willpower to not kill Cyborg when he told them what had happened. Apparently instead of using regular oil, Cyborg has a special mixture he uses for oil. When the t-car had flipped, the oil pan had busted and dripped onto Beastboy as he tried to escape the car. Once the t-car was towed back to the tower by Raven's magic, only after Cyborg had been flung into anything the girl could think of while she was making sure her green boyfirend was alright,and after healing Beastboy of any cuts, and then being ordered to heal Cyborg's wounds, the five returned to the tower by Starfire carrying Cyborg and Robin, while Raven carried an already passed out Beastboy. When they had reached the tower, Raven took Beastboy to the room they were sharing now and set him on the bed to nap. After getting herself ready for bed, she lied down, wrapping herself in Beastboy's arms.

        "Did anybody get the number on that truck?" muttered Beastboy as he began to wake up from his involuntary nap.

"Good morning little miss sunshine." said Raven as she too, began to wake up from her nap. "How are you feeling?"

"Like hell, what happened?" Beastboy asked as he rubbed his head.

"Cyborg decided to show off and flipped the t-car when you two were out cruising."

"I guess that explains this headache" said Beastboy.

"How bad is the headache?" Raven asked but wasn't able to get an answer as the noise of loud power tools began to echo around the room.

"Ahhhh! holy shit that hurts!" Beasboy yelled out in pain.

"I'll be right back," Raven said said with a smile.

"Okay" replied Beastboy as he buried his head beneath all of the pillows on their bed.


"The noise won't bother you anymore Beastboy" said Raven as she gave him the tofu.

"Sorry Raven, but I'm not really hungry right now. lied Beastboy

"You haven't ate all day, eat" commanded Raven.

"I can't, muttered Beastboy

"Why not?"

"I won't be able to keep the food down."

At this Raven took him to the med-bay to get a check-up from a scared out of his mind Cyborg. 

"He's sick, from what I'm not sure," said Cyborg. He kind of felt bad about lying but he liked living so if he told Raven what got Beastboy sick, They might as well start building a casket.

At that, Raven turned to leave, pulling her sick boyfriend with her. Before they could leave Cyborg asked if he could speak to Beastboy alone. Raven, thinking it was to apologise, agreed and went to see if Robin would know what would make Beastboy sick. 

"Okay what I'm about to tell you will never leave this room,understand?" asked Cyborg, trying to stress how important this was.

"Okay,shoot," said Beastboy, confused about what could be so important it never leaves the room.

"Well you know I never use oil in the car because I use a special mixture? Well I think that is what is making you sick. explained Cyborg.

"Oh" Beastboy said, now realizing why he wanted to tell him in secret. "Any idea how long I'll be sick?" questioned the green boy.

"I don't know, but as soon as I have my baby fixed, I'll start working on an antidote" Cyborg was cut of as Beastboy yelled for Raven, "BEFORE, I MEANT BEFORE I GET MY BABY FIXED, PLEASE DON'T TELL HER, I'M TOO PRETTY TO DIE!" Beastboy, felling bad for him agreed that he had one week before he told Raven, to make an antidote.

"yes, Gar?" Raven asked.

"Could you help me to the kitchen? My incredibly strong legs are feeling really weak right now." answered Beastboy in a half joking half serious voice.

"Alright, but when you get better, you're carrying me around everywhere." said Raven


"Because why would I walk when my boyfriend will carry me?" said Raven as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay, sure, I'll carry you when I feel better." replied Beastboy as they exited the med-bay.

On the last day of the week, Cyborg had found a working antidote that made Beastboy better. Beastboy, true to his word, had been carrying Raven around bridal-style anywhere they went, much to the suprise of the other titans and the citizens of Jump City. Raven later explained that she did this as a way to show everyone that Beastboy was hers, some emoticlone had been acting up, and that was the deal to make them quiet again.

A week later, the secret slipped as Beastboy was sleeping and Raven was reading in his arms. He retold almost the entire tale in his sleep, causing Raven to wake him up. Beastboy, seeing Raven with four eyes yelled four words that sent chills down a certain human, robot hybrid

"Run Cyborg, she knows!"

Alright, since I haven't updated in a while I took some sleeping time away to update both of my stories because I felt bad. It's 2 in the morning now, and I get up at six, oops. Rate and Comment if you like, or don't like, it don't matter. MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL!

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