Daddy dearest

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Hi guys I'm back with a long oneshot. My previous project has been postponed due to steam being a shithead and not letting me buy all the skyrim dlcs. Wednesday is my birthday so I was wanting to post at least something since I haven't posted in a while so here it is. Enjoy!

Darkness was all that Beastboy could remember as he woke up in the Titans medical room. As he looked around, he noticed that he felt much lighter than usual. He looked down and saw something that scared him. He was sitting up but his body wasn't. Before he could wander anymore about it, Cyborg walked in. "Cy! What happened to me!" He yelled as he ran over to him. Cyborg just passed through him only giving a slight shiver to acknowledge him. "Cy?" He asked again. He got no response.

"Cmon B it's been a week already, wake up." Cyborg said to Beastboy's body.

'I must be in a coma then, I never thought that I would be able to walk around without my body.' He thought to himself.

"Man Raven is gonna be pissed when she gets back." Cyborg said to the comatose Beastboy with a chuckle. "She already didn't want to go because we would be weaker and then something like this happens."

'Oh yeah, Raven went back to Azerath to talk to her mom about something.' Beastboy thought to himself also remembering how split she was on going. 'It must have been really important for her to go.'

'Seriously B, we all need you back. Robin hasn't slept in days and Starfire can't even fly anymore because she's so sad. We need you back man.'

"I wish I could just go back Cyborg but I don't know how." Beastboy said to himself as he tried to touch the man's shoulder.

A shiver once again ran down Cyborg's mostly metal spine. "There must be a draft in here or something." Cyborg said to himself. He was about to start looking for the draft when Robin called everyone to the common room for a team meeting. He jogged out the room putting fixing a draft in the medbay on his to do list. An elevator ride later he was in the common room, and not surprisingly, he was the last to arrive.

"Alright with Raven away and Beastboy injured, we need to call in some more Titans. Does anyone have some suggestions?" Robin asked.

"What about Bee? She's always complaining about how she's the only girl on her team and it would give Aqualad the chance to lead like he's been wanting to." Cyborg suggested.

"Alright, that's one, we probably need two more." Robin said.

"What about friends Kid Flash and Jinx? They are both the free right now, are they not?" Starfire suggested.

"Good idea, that should be enough until Raven gets back or if Beastboy wakes up." Robin said not realizing his mistake.

"There's no if about it Robin, He will wake up." Cyborg said with a glare to the masked man before walking out to go work on his car.

"That was very unkind of you Robin." Said Starfire with a mild glare.

"Look I didn't mean it like that, The stress of Raven being gone for who knows how long and now Beastboy down is hard on everyone. I'm sorry Star." Robin said realizing that an angry Starfire is something you should avoid at all cost.

"I am not the one that needs an apology." She responded.

"I know." Robin said before he wrapped his arms around her. Starfire started shaking when he touched her. He was about to let her go but then recognised it as her crying so he just held her.

"I am scared Robin. It feels like our family is being pulled apart." Starfire whimpered.

"It's gonna be alright. Raven will be back soon and Beastboy will be back to bugging her in no time."Robin said trying his best to console her.

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