A drunken adventure of Beastboy

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Hello guys I'm back with a one-shot. I know that it's been a couple of months but I just haven't had any one-shot inspiration; my mind has been on my longer stories so if you haven't ready them, you should! Anyways this little idea started running through my head and I decided to put it down before I forget it. Enjoy!


The idea of making a titan exclusive party seemed innocent enough until it actually happened. Robin thought that it was just going to be one of those little slumber parties where everyone sits around and eats and then tells each other embarrassing things that happened to them but sadly that was not the case. Robin had made the mistake of not specifying on what kind of drinks were going to be at the party so when Speedy showed up with as much whiskey as he could carry he knew that it was going to be a long night for him. While Robin was trying to keep everyone to a 3 drink maximum, Cyborg snuck off with a bottle and then went to find Beastboy.

The day before Beastboy had been really excited because he had a date with a nice girl at the movies. About half-way through the movie the girl accidentally told him that she only went on a date with him so she could say that she dated a hero so Beastboy went home early and hadn't been seen with a smile on his face since. Cyborg found Beastboy sitting on the roof looking glum.

"Hey man, you gonna come join the party?" Cyborg asked.

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay up here."

Cyborg didn't like seeing his buddy sad so he figured that some alcohol would make him forget all about his troubles so he decided to try something. He knew that Beastboy didn't want to try alcohol so he had to lie a little bit to make his buddy feel better.

"I made some new soda and I was wanting you to try it." Cyborg said.


"Alright fine I really need someone to try it so tell you what: If you can chug every single bit of it, I'll take you anywhere you want after the party." Cyborg said while handing Beastboy the bottle.

"Fine" with that, Beastboy chugged the whole thing in one sitting. "That soda tasted awful Cy!" he said trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

"Let's go get you something to eat then to get the taste out." Cyborg said while helping Beastboy up.  To Beastboy's credit, he did manage to walk in a straight line to the stairs but he lost it when he fell down them.

"Shit!" Cyborg said while rushing to help him up.

"That was fun, can I do it again?" Beastboy said with a drunk grin on his face. He managed to pull himself to his feet and to begin walking toward the kitchen which was more like crawling since he was drunk.


"Speedy I said no more! There's a bottle missing and I know you have it!" Robin yelled while trying to keep the archer from drinking any more.

"Hey guys!" Beastboy said still with that stupid smile on his face. At once glance Robin could tell that he was drunk.

"I thought you said you didn't drink!" Robin yelled outraged. While Robin was distracted, Speedy grabbed 2 bottles and ran off.

"I didn't drink alcohol, Cyborg told me to drink this soda that he made!" Beastboy exclaimed confused.

"Raven, watch Beastboy while I go find Cyborg!" Robin ordered as he walked out of the kitchen. Raven looked up from her book for the first time since the party had started and saw Beastboy trying to open a cabinet by pushing it.

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