Let it burn

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Hey guy, I'm back with a oneshot! I got this idea when I was in my auto tech class and the air compressor blew up. I will also be making a one shot after this that was a request I never did, sorry about the delay on this story. On to the story!


An average day in titans Tower was interuppted by a loud alarm and flashing red lights. An office building had caught fire and was quickly burning out of control.

"Alright titans, spread out and look for people still inside. If you find someone, make sure they get out safely. Titans Go!" said Robin as the titans all went to different floors.

After five minutes, four of the titans were out of the building and being checked at an ambulance. Raven had been trapped in a room and was the worst of the four. A couple more minutes passed and Beastboy had still not be seen.

"Where is BB?" asked Cyborg "He usually gets out pretty quick."

"I don't know, but I'm about to go in to find him." answered Raven as she sat up.

"No, its too dangerous for any of us to go back in there, we just have to have faith in Beastboy" decided Robin. However two titans had decided if he wasn't out in three more minutes, they were going in Robin's permission or not.

Beastboy's POV

"Office buildings usually are pretty safe, it looks like the water didn't even come on." mused Beastboy to himself as he looked for people trapped inside.

"Very observant of you, seems you are not as stupid as people like to think" came the voice of the titan's number one enemy, Slade.

"So it was you that planned this" snarled Beastboy as he got ready to charge the masked man.

"I'm only here to give you a gift: a burial under an office." as he said this, he disappeared and the last supports for the building were blown up.

Third person POV

The buidling began to creak and groan as the supports began to fail.

"Get back, it's coming down!" screamed one of the firemen that were taking care of people that got out.

"Robin, Beastboy's still in there!" exclaimed Cyborg.

Before Robin could respond, his communicator rang. Opening it up, he saw a very smokey Beastboy. "Beastboy get out of there now!" ordered Robin.

Beastboy lowered his communicator so he could see the rebarb stuck in the man's leg.

"Don't worry about me, Slade is back" croaked the man before the building collapsed and the communicator's connection was lost.

As soon as the building hit the ground, four very worried titans were already at work to dig up their comrade. Hours passed and nobody was found. When the sun went down, most of the emergency workers had left, leaving four very tired and desperate heroes alone to dig out the green man.

Days later

Beastboy wakes up to a constant beeping noise, none of the other titans are in the room. "Holy shit my head hurts" Beastboy muttered to himself. He removes all of the wires from him, but passes out at the effort it takes.

Other Titan's POV

"Shit!" Cyborg yells as he rushes to the infirmary, not even waiting for the doors to open, he just punches through them.

"Cyborg, what's happening!?" asked Robin as he ran behind the man.

"B is flatlining, go get the others" yells Cyborg as he makes it to his destination.

Seconds later, the three other titans run into the room looking wide-awake. "Get the defibrillator now!" orders Robin.

"Wait! the wires aren't connected to him anymore!" yells Raven before they could shock and potentially kill the green man.

"what the hell?" asks Cyborg as he reattaches the wires to the man. Hearing a beeping sound again, the titans sigh in relief. "Either Beastboy woke up or someone is gonna die." "I'm staying with him until he wakes up" Cyborg declares as he gets his spare charger from the closet in the corner of the infirmary. "you guys should go get some rest"

Robin and Starfire, seeing the man is okay, agrees wholeheartedly and goes to their room for more sleep. Cyborg looks over to see Raven getting comfortable on the bed next to Beastboy.

"When I said you should go get some sleep, I meant in your own bed." said Cyborg as he plugs himself in for the night.

"I'm not leaving him again" declares Raven. Cyborg, seeing the anger in the empath's eyes, decided not to push the subjet and went back to recharging.

Beastboy's POV, several hours later.

The second time Beastboy woke up, he felt a whole lot stronger. He got all of the wires out of his arm after shutting down all the machines, not wanting to give the others another heart attack. He also decided that now would be a really good time to go try the new resteraunt in town, so he morphed into a bird and flew out the window.

Raven woke up minutes later and seeing Beastboy gone, instantly began to freak out, causing things to explode somewhere in the tower.  The others woken by the explosions, rushed to where Raven was to find her looking over the security cameras in the tower. 

"calm down, Raven what's wrong?" asked Robin.

"Beastboy is gone and you are telling me to calm down!? He could have been kidnapped!" screeched Raven.

"Check the security cameras" Cyborg 'helpfully' suggested.

"what do you think I'm trying to do!?!?" yelled Raven, tired of the two titan's shit. Eevntually it got to the part where Beastboy wakes up and flies out to the city. Robin and Cyborg are laughing on the floor seeing Raven get angrier and angrier by the second.

"I'm going to kill that idiot!" Raven roars as she flies out the window to find Beastboy.

Beastboy's POV

That was some awsome food. Beastboy pays for the food, getting several astonished looks from people that knew he was buried under a building days earlier. As he was about to fly home, he found himself trapped in dark magic and be teleported back to the tower. As soon as his feet touch the floor, he was slapped so hard, it knocked him off his feet and onto the floor.

"YOU WENT TO GO EAT AFTER BEING IN A COMA WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE!?!!?" yelled Raven as she alternated betwen slapping and then hugging Beastboy.

"Calm down, I got hungry and you looked too cute to wake up" teased Beastboy as he pinched her cheek. The others, seeing what was coming, got out of the room before they could be caught up in the mayhem that was sure to follow. 

There was no explosions or yelling: Raven just looked up at Beastboy and hugged him while crying into his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Beastboy asked, alarmed.

"I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you right now" said Raven as she tried for a scowl, but ultimately failed and went back to hugging to boy. Before Beastboy could react, Raven was kissing the man on the lips with her arms wrapped around his neck. When Beastboy broke from his daze, he returned the kiss while wrapping his arms around the empath's waist. 

"If you do that again, a coma will be the least of your worries" Raven threatened. Brastboy just chuckled and went for another kiss.

"Hey Raven are you done killing Beastbo" before Cyborg could finish his question, he saw the two and proceded to faint, while his machine side began to say error repeatedly.


I know there wasn't really much fire in the story, I just couldn't come up with a better title. Anyways, Rate and comment what you think! Until next time! :)

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