Trust is a must

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Hey guys, it's been a while hasn't it? I haven't written anything in a while so I'm probably rusty but here's something any way.

"You know Raven if you act too cold towards him, he might start looking somewhere else." Jinx said. She had been a Titan for a year now and Starfire had managed to get all of the Titan girls to celebrate by having a slumber party.

Much to Raven's discomfort, they had decided to talk about her relationship with a certain green boy.

"Have you two done the kissing yet?" Starfire asked.

"Umm no." Raven replied while blushing.

"Girl it's been six months and you two haven't even kissed yet?" Bumblebee said, shocked.

"Has he tried to kiss you yet?" Jinx asked.

"Can we talk about something else?" Raven pleaded.

"No now answer my question." Jinx responded.

"He knows that I'm not ready for that yet so no." Raven said. She was very grateful that she had such an understanding boyfriend that didn't try to push her.

"A nice guy like him won't stick around for long if you don't give them a little affection." Bee said.

"What's the most affectionate thing you do with him?" Kole asked.

"We hold hands sometimes when we're alone." Raven responded.

"For being so immature Beastboy sure is patient." Jinx commented.

"I'm still new to affection so sorry if I'm not shoving my tongue down his throat." Raven responded, a little annoyed.

"Speaking of your guy where is he?"

"I think he said he was going to go meet an old friend of his." Raven said.

"Do you know who they are?" Jinx asked.

"Apparently it's some actress that he used to work with when he worked in Hollywood." Raven said.

"Raven your boyfriend is out on a date with another girl and you're just sitting here." Jinx said.

"He isn't out on a date. I trust him and I know he wouldn't ever do that to me." Raven responded.

"We should still check just to be sure." Jinx said.

"Are you trying to get me to spy on my boyfriend?" Raven asked.

"We won't be spying; we're just checking up on him." Jinx said.

"Even though I don't give him that much affection, he's important to me. I don't even want to think about what he would do if he found out." Raven said.

"Just one little peek. I promise if he finds out I'll take full responsibility." Jinx said.

"Alright, just one peek and then we come back and talk about something else." Raven decided.

"Let's go!"

With Beastboy

"So do you have a girlfriend yet?" Julian asked. Beastboy and her had decided to get coffee and catch up with each other's lives.

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