The truth comes out

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Hey guys, I'm back with another one-shot! I will update my other story but this one has more views and about the same amount of parts so I feel like this should be updated more often. I'm actually thinking of starting a third story that will require a lot of feedback and suggestions so look out for that :) On with the story!


It's common knowledge in the tower that the two titans that the two titans that argue the most are Beastboy and Raven. Cyborg and Beastboy have their little debate over meat every morning, but there are days where Raven and Beastboy argue over ten different things a day. So it was no suprise that when the other titans walked into the common room the next morning, the two were already arguing like cats and dogs.

"How was I supposed to know you were going to sleep on the couch?!" shouted Beastboy

"Well maybe if you didn't act like a three year old and jump over the back of the couch, this wouldn't have happened!" yelled Raven is response.

Apparently, Raven fell asleep on the couch doing a bit of late-night reading. Beastboy, like always, decided to jump over the back of the couch and gave the empath quite a wake up call. The other titans, deciding it was best to not intervene, decided to just go eat with as much peace as possible.

"I've said I'm sorry, what more do you want!?" exclaimed Beastboy, clearly annoyed at being yelled at this early in the morning.

"What does it matter, you won't listen anyways!" yelled Raven

"I try to make you feel included, It's not good for you to be cooped in your room all day" said Beastboy, exasperated.

At this, Raven became furious. He did this kind of stuff on purpose! "How would a stupid green animal know what's good for me!?!?!?!"

Once the words came out of Raven' mouth, she regretted it. The three titans eating at the table looked up with their eyes wide. They would fight, but it never got to this. This was a whole new level. Beastboy on the outside just looked down and seemed like he was in pain, but inside he was struggling with the rage that was building over that comment.

"You want me to leave you alone, you got it" with that, Beastboy stalked out of the room heading for his own room. He had a small gym that he got to deal with his anger that was in the privacy of his own room. 

As soon as Beastboy had gotten out of the common room, Cyborg decided to speak up.

"Raven if he is an animal, then you are a demon and I'm just a robot." With that said, Cyborg decided to skip breakfast and visit his best friend.

"I didn't mean it" muttered Raven looking down at the ground. She knew that she had hurt him deeply with that comment, she wanted to go apologise and ask for forgivness, but she also knew that he would just be too angry right now. "Besides, it's not like he will actually keep his word and leave her alone" Raven reasoned with herself. She was knocked out of her internal musings by Robin and Starfire also leaving the room.


It has been a week later and Beastboy had kept his promise. He had not talked to Raven once and it also began to affect the other titans. Now Beastboy never ate meals with the titans, he woud always just eat before or go out into the city so that he didn't have to. The only time that Beastboy and Raven were near each other was when there were alerts. Right after a villain was defeated, Beastboy would fly away to another part of the city. Cyborg was the only one that actually knew where Beastboy was, as he would disappear with him sometimes.

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