Cold Heart

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Hey guys, I'm back with a little oneshot, I think this one is going to be a bit different than the other ones. (Watch me say that and then this one be completely the same XD) Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and on with the story!


        "Doom Patrol, move out!" Yelled Mento

Alright, this is a little far into the story, let's start at the beginning.

The titans alarm went off at about four in the morning, each titan burst into the room at the same time, Beastboy, suprisingly looking the most awake. Before anyone could comment on this, a large message filled the screen saying "Incoming call from the Doom Patrol"

Just as Robin was about to answer it, Beastboy stopped him and said "Could I take this alone?"

"Why? questioned the boy wonder.

"I don't try to answer your calls with Batman" replied Beastboy a bit sharper than he meant to.

"Alright, man chill, we'll be outside" said Cyborg as he pulled the leader out of the room, the alien and the empath following.

Once the door closed, Beastboy answered the call.

"Just the person I wanted to see with the exact number of people I wanted to see with you, excellent." said Mento.

"I figured you wanted to speak with me alone" replied the boy.

"Yes, we have located the brotherhood again and we need your help with dealing with them."

"Lemme guess, you need me to sneak in and you don't want the others to go because they still don't know how to be quiet." said Beastboy as he leaned over the computer.

"I swear, I can hear Robin's grunts everytime he hit something from here. Cyborg's make up gives him away with all the machines wurring. Raven's attacks consist of her throwing large things that make huge thuds. Don't even get me started on Starfire's screams when Robin gets hit back." Mento ranted.

"Don't be hard on them, I used to be exactly like that, besides Robin, I have the most hero experience on the team. They still haven't learned, I'll teach them after this mission, alright?" 

"Alright, but the brotherhood is in Anartica. Other than the extremely hostile temperature, this is a perfect place to hide without gaining attention. They are in an underground cave but have the entrance guarded heavily. We need you to find another way in with the many other caves in the area. This place isn't explored so you will be in the dark for most of the mission." briefed Mento.

"Understood, I'll leave within the hour, I'll call when I get close." said Beastboy.

"Good, Mento out."

Shortly after the transmission ended, the others entered the room. "Alright guys, I'm needed for a mission." Beastboy began.

"We are going with you" Robin immediately said.

"No you are not, this only requires me and only me." Bestboy retorted.

"And why is that?" asked Raven with a glare.

"Tell me, when is the last mission any of you were completely silent on a mission, no grunts or yells, just silence."

"Alright, so just because you started being quiet on missions, we're suddenly not good enough for a mission?" asked Cyborg, deeply offended.

"Since you guys are just going to blow it out of proportion, let's have a test."

"Since when are you the leader?" demanded Robin.

BBRAE one-shot collectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora