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Hey guys, I'm going to try to write another one-shot on my computer. Last time I tried to do this, I almost got to the end and then my computer just closed all the windows and I didn't save it so it was lost. The one I lost was around 1,500 words. I tried again, saving around every 100 words, and it got so bad that everytime I would type, an ad would pop up. I'm going to try a third time before I ultimately give up and go to my Ipod. I'm trying to resist that because all those quotation marks are going to be a pain to put in. If this doesn't work, then I will do that, I just won't update as much. That being said, on with the story.


It was a very cold winter for Jump city and everyone was trying to stay as warm as possible. The same was true for the titans: Robin was training so he could stay warm, Cyborg was sitting in his car with the heater on full blast, Starfire was in the shower using all the hot water, and Beastboy was napping in his room as a bear. The only one that didn't have a plan of action for the cold was Raven and the girl was freezing.

Raven didn't have very many covers in her room plus the heater in her room was broken when she got pissed at Beastboy for accidently spilling tea on her. "Alright, I could kill two birds with one stone here: apologise to Beastboy and ask if he has any blankets she could hide under. When she got to his room, she 'softly knocked on his door.

"Beastboy?" No response. The demoness decided to go in to see if he was asleep. She walked in and went to wake up Beastboy. When she touched him though, he was so warm that she decided to just lie down there and when he wakes up, apologise. "Besides, it's not like I'll have this oppurtunity again" thought the girl to herself. She had given up on denying that she had a crush on the green man but didn't act on it because fear of rejection. "He did say I could come to him for anything, besides it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" reasoned the girl. She layed down next to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and fell asleep.

Beastboy's POV

"Oh god, Raven just came into my room, what did I do this time?" Beastboy asked himself glumly. He had a crush on the demoness but everytime he was about to ask her, he would get too nervous and something stupid would come out of his mouth. "Maybe if I act like I'm still asleep, she'll at least wait until I've woken up to kill me." the boy reasoned.

What happened next shocked the boy greatly: Raven hopped into the bed with him and cuddled up to him. "alright, either she got drunk, or I'm really warm, she must be freezing in her room since her heater is broken, He decided just to stop thinking about it and fall back to sleep.

A couple of hours later, both of the heros woke up at the same time. Beastboy had changed back into a human when he fell asleep. When they realized they were cuddling, they blushed hard but didn't let go in fear of the cold that was sure to follow.

"Hey Rae, what's up?"

"It's Raven, I was cold and you are warm so I decided to invade your privacy like you do mine everyday."

"I really don't mind, I was just wondering. Are you warm now?" asked the boy.

"yes I am, umm would you mind if I could do this more often?" asked Raven timidly.

"Of course you can Rae" answered the boy.

The two smiled at each other and began to lean in when they were interrupted by Cyborg's voice outside the door.

"Hey Beastboy, wanna play video games in a warm T-car?" asked Cyborg.

"I'll pass" said Beastboy.

At this, Raven smiled: he was willing to give up his favorite thing to do because she wanted to cuddle wit him because he was warm. This encouraged her to try to kiss him again. Beastboy saw this and began to lean in as well.

"Hey Beastboy, do you want to train? It will keep you warm" asked Robin through the door. The door handles were metal so nobody wanted to touch them because it was too cold.

"Oh for god's sake go away Robin!" yelled Raven as she just grabbed Beastboy's head and brought her lips to his. Robin confused and worried for Beastboy's safety, walked into the room to find the two furiously making out in Beastboy's bed.

"Didn't see that coming, use protection." Robin snickered. "Cyborg is gonna love this." At this the boy wonder was thrown into the ocean and then locked in the freezer. He stayed in there for two hours when Starfire started to cook and was curious why there were noises coming from the freezer. Cyborg, seeing what happened to Robin, decided to keep his mouth shut. Raven and Beastboy continued to nap together in Beastboy's room, at first because it was cold, but it soon turned into Raven just wanting to spend time with her boyfriend.


The third time, I saved after every 100 words and it didn't crash on me once so I can still use my computer for this! That makes me extremely happy that I can update my stories and I don't have to use my Ipod. Also, if anyone knows of a trusted virus protection program, could you tell me in the comments below, and as always, rate and review!

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