The team finds out

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Hey guys, this is most likely going to be a very fluffy, short stoary that popped into my head. I liked it, so I'm writing it before I forget about it so, On with the story!  Oh, and Raven and Beastboy are dating in this one already.


Three of the titans thought that all five bedrooms were used at night. They had no idea that Beastboy had been sleeping in Raven's bed in a little over a month. (just sleeping, pervs) The two had began dating around two months ago and Beastboy began sleeping in Raven's room on a very stormy night.


Raven had always hated thunderstorms. While it may seem funny to an outsider that a half demon girl that almost ended the world is afraid of storms, to her it is not. When it storms at the tower, Raven can never sleep because she is having to prepare herself for every boom of thunder. Her fear derives from her being paranoid that one day she will be caught off guard by the lightning and lose control of her powers. So every night, she wanders around the tower, periodically checking on her boyfriend. 

"Stupid thunder." muttered Raven after being scared by a very lange boom that shook the tower. "Okay, maybe Gar will need some company" reasoned Raven. The girl soon hurried to her boyfriend's room and let herself in as he was asleep. She sat on the corner of his bed, smiling at his peaceful face and slightly jealous that he can sleep in these kinds of storms. Another bolt of lightning struck, causing Raven to let out a small "meep!" This caused Beastboy to instantly wake up and go into attack mode. He tackled Raven but realized it was her before he hit the ground so he twisted so that she would land on him and he would land on the floor. They hit the floor with a small thump.  As soon as the two got up, Beastboy began to profusley apologise. 

"I'm so sorry Rae! I thought you were an intruder." said the boy as he got on his knees and hugged her legs.

"Oh get up you oaf, besides it was my fault for being in here" said Raven, amused that she could be in his room and he would apologise.

"Not that this is a bad thing, but why did you come in my room, did you need something?" asked Beastboy

"Well" Raven was cut off by a huge boom of thunder, prompting her to throw herself into the open arms of her boyfriend. "I think that explains it" meeped Raven from the safety of Beastboy's arms.

Beastboy did not make fun of her as Raven had expected, he only picked her up, hugged her close to him, and walked to her room. He layed her down on the bed before laying down himself. Once he was on the bed, she cuddled into him for warmth and protection. "I would have had us sleep in my room but it's a dump and I need a new bed." said Beastboy. At this Raven just chuckled and soon fell asleep.

End Flashback

The two had not slept apart ever since, and the two were very happy about this. They had both agreed to wait to tell the others and to slowley ease into acting nicer around them. The plan was that by the time they had told them, they would not be as suprised and there wouldn't be nearly as much teasing of the new couple. 

This would have worked, but they had forgotten about one thing. Cyborg is mechanical and instead of sleeping, he recharges. While he recharges, he is hooked into the tower and he can check the tower for any oddities that may have occured. The tower had been telling him that there had been two people sleeping in Raven's room. Cyborg just thought that it was a little glitch. A month later, and he actually checked to see if it was right. He opened Raven's door and he grinned and took several pictures of the two in bed together. He was sure to show the others this in the morning!

Morning came much too slow for Cyborg's taste, but it eventually came around. He had gotten up early so that he could put all of the images on the T.V for the titans to see when they begin to eat. When the others saw the pictures, Raven teleported herself and Beastboy out of the room before the two could have any questions asked to them.

"Gar, they know!" Raven said, freaking out about the whole thing.

"Shhh, there's nothing we can do except suck it up. That or break up and deny everything" Beastboy had meant the last part as a joke but seeing Raven's thoughtful gaze, he became mad. "If you want to break up because they know before we planned for them to know, then I'm done." With that, he stomped out of the room walking towards the breakfast room to tell the titans the news.

As soon as he got through the door, all eyes were on him. He was about to tell them what happened when Raven suddenly ran into the room and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately. When the two came up for air, Raven began to speak.

"Beastboy, I'm so sorry, please don't leave me, I love you and I don't care who knows it." Raven said, looking at the ground. Beastboy grinned, picked her up bridal style, and began kissing her again. Raven, with no problems with this, enthusiastically returned the gesture.

The three other titans, thoroughly confused, could only stare as the two played tonsel hockey. The two titans, realizing the others were there, just said "Hey, we're dating" and then left the room. Robin handed Cyborg a twenty while staring at the door in shock while Cyborg took it with just as much shock. Starfire just squealed and continued cooking her alien breakfast.


I think this is the shortest one-shot I have done in a while. I still like it though, tell me what you think by rating and commenting below. Until next time, see ya guys!

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