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Hey guys it's been a while I know. I have a lot on my mind right now but I wanted to write this because I thought the idea was good so I tried it. I hope you guys enjoy! This is pretty crappy but since it's done I might as well post it. I'll try to post something better soon
Raven had a problem. This problem started around a week ago which marked the month anniversary of Beastboy and herself. As she was walking to her room to get ready for the special date, she heard Cyborg teasing Beastboy about how little of affection he got from her. This wouldn't have bothered her as much if she didn't also hear Cyborg advising Beastboy to look for a new girlfriend.

She wasn't mad at Cyborg and understood why Cyborg was advising him like he was. Cyborg was just looking out for Beastboy and Raven could respect that. Beastboy had not voiced the problem yet but Raven knew that it was in his mind.

It's not like she didn't want to be affectionate with him; she just didn't know how. She had always ignored things like showing affection because she thought that as a half demon she would never need to know such things. She hugged him once after the Malchior incident but that was just her throwing herself at him. She didn't want to embarrass herself asking her teammates so she decided to observe Starfire and Robin when they are in the common room.

She sat herself on the couch with a book that she had read dozens of times so she could have her attention on the unsuspecting couple when they walk in.

She only had to wait a couple minutes before the pair entered the room holding hands.

"Glorious day friend Raven!" Starfire said as she and Robin walked by to go sit on another part of the couch. Robin sat down and Starfire floated over and sat on his lap. The alien then started to run her fingers through his hair. This would have been disgusting for anyone but Starfire due to all the hair gel he used. They almost always kept some form of physical contact when they were both sitting down. Before she could learn any more from the two, her boyfriend entered the room and went to make his breakfast without acknowledging her.

This confused the empath as he usually greeted her with a smile and a loud declaration of how good of a morning it was. It must have been something that was said to him by his best friend.

This was indeed the case for Beastboy. After a good bit of teasing, Cyborg had advised him to go one whole day without giving her any affection to see if she would change her tune. This was really hard for Beastboy since he loved giving her affection even though she never returned it. He had to keep telling himself that if she wasn't going to make any effort towards their relationship, maybe it wasn't meant to be between them. It killed him thinking like this but it was true. Aside from a few dates and a few hugs that he initiated, there wasn't that much that changed from them just being friends. He wouldn't mind as much if at least something changed but they didn't really talk more and she still insulted him quite often. With these thoughts he steeled his resolve and continued making breakfast.

"Hello Beastboy." He heard someone say. He looked up and saw it was his girlfriend.

"Hey Raven." He replied. He wasn't going to go as far as ignore her; he was just not going to shower her with attention like he usually did. When she said nothing else, he finished making his breakfast and went to go play video games and eat on the couch.

'Something is definitely wrong with him, maybe this isn't such a good idea right now.' Raven thought to herself. 'No, if I don't do it now I might not ever do it.'

Beastboy had just turned on the Game station when he felt someone sit on the couch next to him. Thinking it was Cyborg wanting to play 2 player, he handed a controller to her. Raven took and thought about playing with him but decided that would be over doing it right now and placed the controller on the coffee table.

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