Cat problems

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"I still can't believe you let him do that." Cyborg said with a chuckle. He was referring to the fact that over the last couple of days, Beastboy had formed a habit of jumping into the empath' lap as a cat and falling asleep.

"If he's in my lap asleep he isn't bothering me or telling jokes." Raven pointed out while reading her book. It was true. The only time he would bother her as a cat was if he wanted her to scratch behind his ear. As long as she scratched him behind the ear occasionally, he would be a purring mess of fur in her lap. It also didn't hurt that Beastboy was quite warm in his cat form.

Alas not all good things are meant to last.

"Glorious morning friends!" Starfire exclaimed as she and Robin stepped into the common room.

"Mornin Star, mornin Rob" Cyborg said.

"Whatever." Raven said not looking up from her book. Robin look over at her and frowned.

"Why is Beastboy in your lap again?" The boy wonder asked.

"He never bugs me when he's asleep. She responded still not looking up from her book.

"That's it, team meeting right now." Robin said.

"Wake up Beastboy." Raven said to the cat while scratching his ears. In response the cat yawned loudly and Stretched before jumping out of her lap and transforming into his human form.

"Why'd you wake me up, Rae?" He asked the girl.

"Team meeting." She responded.

"Oh okay." He sat down on the couch next to her.

"Done? Good." Robin said. "This has been going on for a week now and I think it's time to put a stop to it. As of right now, Beastboy is not allowed to nap in either girl's laps." Robin said.

"Why is that?" Raven asked. This surprised the boy wonder a bit because he thought it would be Beastboy that protested this instead of her.

"With your's and Starfire's current choice of attire it's unprofessional and wrong." Robin said.

"This is stupid." Raven protested.

"No he's right, Rae. I shouldn't be lying on your lap when you're wearing so little on your legs. I took advantage of you and I'm sorry." Beastboy said.

"How are you taking advantage of me when I let you do it?" Raven asked Beastboy.

"This also goes for anyone visiting the tower. If they don't have pants, you can't get in their lap, got it?" Robin said ignoring Raven. With that, he walked out of the common room.

"You haven't answered my question Beastboy." Raven said.

"Oh look at the time. Cyborg, do you want to come help set up that party I was talking about?" Beastboy asked as he followed Robin out the door.

This did not amuse the empath and levitated Beastboy back into the room. "Rae I really do need to go work on preparations for the party." He said trying to escape.

"You can do that after you explain yourself." Raven said to him. "You two, out." She ordered Starfire and Cyborg.

"Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" Beastboy asked himself.

"It was either you or Robin. Since you're the one that has slept in my lap, I think it would be better if you told me why it's so inappropriate. That means start talking." Raven said.

"Nice weather we're having isn't it?" Beastboy said, futility trying to change the subject.

"Beastboy I know where you sleep." Raven said getting frustrated.

"Alright fine. You want to know why it's inappropriate?" Beastboy asked.

"Yes! That's exactly what I want to know!" Raven yelled.

"Fine! When you wear your leotard, it's like you're wearing just a shirt and underwear! I'm not telling you how to dress or anything but I should know better than to sit in a girl's lap when she's just wearing underwear. Especially with all of these animal instincts in my head." Beastboy said.

"Why is it just now a problem?" Raven asked.

"It should have been a problem when I started doing it. I just wasn't thinking about it like that." Beastboy answered.

"Well then how do you suggest I change my wardrobe? Should I go with a nun's outfit?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm not suggesting you to change your wardrobe." He retorted.

"Figuratively speaking, how would you change my outfit?" Raven asked.

"You're seeking fashion advice from a guy that's costume hasn't changed since he was like 10." Beastboy joked.

"Whatever. Go help Cyborg with your stupid party." Raven said finally releasing Beastboy from her clutches.

"Thanks Rae!" He chirped before giving her a quick hug and then running out the door.

'Stupid Beastboy making me blush and worry about what I wear.' Raven thought to herself

'That's because you have a cruuuushh on him.' Happy answered.

'Tell me something I don't know.' Retorted Raven.

'I've figured out why our outfit is inappropriate for Beastboy to be in our lap. Our outfit looks very close to some of the outfits of the girls we saved from that burning brothel last month. Minus the cloak of course.' Knowledge said to Raven.

'Oh great, Beastboy only thinks I dress like a stripper. That's not bad at all.' Raven thought to herself miserably.

'I would suggest leggings. It will help you regain some modesty and it will keep your outfit to still be pleasing to Beastboy.'

Raven sighed. She had some shopping to do. 'Stupid Beastboy making me do things'

A few days later the party was in full swing. Apparently the honorary Titans had heard of the new rule and girls that liked cats like Argent, Jinx, and Kole had worn leggings. Beastboy was enjoying being pampered by 3 pretty girls. This made Raven frown. She had decided to not wear leggings because she thought nobody else would. Seeing Beastboy be pampered by 3 girls made Raven change her mind. She went to go change.

A few minutes later, Beastboy was still enjoying being pampered. He looked up when he heard his favorite empath clear her throat.

"I believe you have something of mine." Raven said in her monotone voice before picking up Beastboy and retreating to a corner where he could take a nap. The 3 girls just shrugged and went to go find something to drink.

This one was a little short, oops.

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