A Misunderstanding

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Hey guys, I'm gonna try to put my one shot stories back together. I'm hoping that whatever was wrong that was messing up my story was fixed.


"This is it." Beastboy muttered to himself. He was currently standing on the roof of a certain tower that looked like a giant T. "This is the last night I'll spend apart from my parents." Right as he was about to jump, however, someone called for him from within the tower. "I guess I should go see what they want so I won't be bothered later." Beastboy said with a sigh. He turned and entered the tower.

"Friend Beastboy I require the Assistance with bathing silkie!" Shouted Starfire. This made Beastboy smile. He always loved helping her out with silkie. It made him happy it would be one of the last things he would do.

"Sure thing Star!" He called.


After an hour of having fun with Starfire, he returned to the roof. It was nice that some of the last memories he would have would be him having fun with one of his friends.

"Here we go. No one else should be awake now so I shouldn't be distracted." Beastboy said to himself.

"Yo B! I could use your help with something in the garage!" Cyborg called.

"What does he want!" Beastboy exclaimed to himself with a growl. It seemed like Cyborg chose tonight of all nights to work on his baby late into the night. "I'll be down in a minute, Cy!"


After 2 hours of completely disassembling the engine and putting it back together, Beastboy was able to return to the roof.

"I had no idea Cyborg was so obsessed with cleaning his car! Doing that every night seems like way too much." He said to himself. "Alright now I can finally do it. Hopefully there won't be any more distractions. It's almost like they know or something." He said as he prepared to step off.

"That's because we do know." A voice said right as he jumped. He expected to fall but instead felt himself floating. One glance in the voice's direction told him all he needed to know.

Raven did not look happy.

.......... 3 years later .........

"Hey Rae, I've been wondering about something." Beastboy said.

"What?" Asked Raven, a bit harsher than she meant. Despite them dating for 3 years, it still annoyed her when he interrupted her meditation.

"You remember that one time all of you guys kept interrupting me on the roof?" He asked.

"Of course I do! I almost lost you that night." She replied.

"You said all of you played a part, what did Nightwing do?" He asked while giving her a confused look.

"He was at the bottom of the tower, making sure that if we failed, he could catch you." Raven said with a monotone voice. It always hurt her to think of how close she came to losing him that night.

"Why would he be doing that?" Beastboy asked.

"Oh for the love of God, Gar, you were going to kill yourself!" Raven shouted.

"Wait what! What gave you that idea?" Beastboy yelled.

"You were going to jump and leave me all alone and....." Raven began but was interrupted by hysterical laughter.

"What.is.so.funny?" Raven ground out, Barely able to keep from Rage getting loose.

"You guys thought I was gonna.....hahahahaha!" Was all he got out before collapsing in a fit of laughter.

"You're unbelievable." Raven hissed.

"Hey wait a minute, I'm sorry." Beastboy said before hugging her, just realizing how upset she was.

"You're an ass." She said but allowed Him to keep holding her. She was upset and the only place she would calm down was where she was.

"I'm sorry I made you mad. It's just really funny that you guys thought that was what I was doing." Beast boy said.

"Wait a minute. That wasn't why?

"Of course not!" He answered.

"Then what were you talking about when you said you were going to be with your parents?" Raven asked.

"When they weren't being scientists, my parents like to fly Stunt planes. They had a course that I was planning on flying. It helps me feel close to them." Beastboy answered.

What happened next, still shocks Beastboy, even to this day.

Raven started laughing, not just chuckles either; a full blown hearty laugh. Then she started crying tears of relief and hugged Beastboy tightly.

"Oh crap, I didn't mean to make you cry!" He said while trying to wipe her tears as fast as he could.

"It's fine Gar; I'm crying from tears of joy." She responded.

"I'm still confused." Beastboy said.

"All you have to know is you make me very happy." Raven said as she hugged him tightly.

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