Raven's Favorite Gift

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Hey guys I'm back with a small oneshot that I thought of an hour ago so I decided to write it down. I hope you enjoy!


"Can I open it?"


"Why not?" Beastboy asked frustrated. He had found a gift that was wrapped and was from his girlfriend of a year and a half, Raven.

"Because I said so. Give it to me Gar." commanded Raven.

"No." he responded.

"Garfield Mark Logan." she warned.

"Why are you so bent on me not opening this? It's got my name on it and you were clearly the one that wrapped it." he tried to reason with the girl.

Raven muttered something under her breath that not even his sensitive ears could pick up.

"You're gonna have to speak louder than that, Rae." he said.

"I was trying to be a good girlfriend and get you a gift you really like but now I don't think you will like it." she explained eyes downcast.

"I don't need you to get me gifts for you to be a good girlfriend, why would you think that you have to?" he asked.

"I was thinking of how good of a girlfriend that Starfire was to Robin or Bee was to Cyborg. They give their men gifts all the time." she said.

"Raven come here." She did and Beastboy dropped the gift and wrapped his arms around her in a caring embrace and started rocking her back and forth trying to calm her down. She just buried her face in her neck and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry." she said after loosening her grip on him but not quite letting go.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. If you feel down about something, I want you to talk to me about them. Now tell me why you think that you need to be a better girlfriend." he said while looking fondly down at her.

"I already told you. I never get you gifts." she said.

"I don't need gifts to know that you love me. I know every time I see this." he said as he nibbled on a spot on her neck.

"Sssoo......itt......d.doesn't....b.bother you?" Raven stuttered while trying to keep her hormones in control.

"No it doesn't, does it bother you that I don't constantly get you gifts?" he asked when he was done biting his mark.

"You give me gifts when you hold me like you're doing right now. I would take you holding me and carrying me around over you buying me a new book any day." she responded while burying her face in his chest again.

"Can I at least open the gift that you got me? I'm really curious now." he admitted. Raven didn't move, she just used her powers to place the gift in his hands. He opened it to find a book that was all about mythical creatures and how were they similar to creatures that live on Earth. "Raven..." he trailed off amazed that she thought to get him this.

"It's awful isn't it? I'm sorry, I can get you something better." she said without looking up.

"No Raven, this is amazing, I love it!" he said excitedly.

"Really?" she asked looking up from his chest.

 "Yeah! I love mythical birds, maybe I could change into one!" he said happily. "You are definitely a better girlfriend than I am a boyfriend. I'm gonna get you at least one gift whether you like it or not." he decided.

"Fine then but you aren't doing it right now. You are going to stay right here and hold me." she commanded lazily. He just chuckled and carried her over to the couch so that they would be more comfortable.

A few days go by and Beastboy had yet to get Raven a gift and has spent more time in his room only coming out to eat and then hurrying back to his room. This upset the resident empath considering that she had told him days before that she really enjoyed his affections. She decided to confront him about what he's been doing and went to his door. Considering that she was his girlfriend, she didn't bother knocking and phased through the door. Beastboy was passed out at his desk with a small book in his hands. 'That isn't the book I got him, what is it?' Raven thought to herself. She slowly and carefully took the book out of his hands and read the title. "Raven's cuddles book?" she whispered to herself slowly. 

"Huh? What are you doing in here Rae?" Beastboy asked as he woke up.

"When my boyfriend starts ignoring me, I start to get curious." Raven said while crossing her arms obviously not very pleased.

"I'm sorry Rae, I've just been working on your gift." he said.

"My cuddle book?" she asked.

"I couldn't think of a better title. Since you said that you liked cuddles I got the idea of a cuddle book. I'm not expecting you to ask me every time you want to cuddle, I've just made this book for when I'm doing something like playing video games with Cyborg. You give me a page out of this, and I'll immediately stop and then go hold you." he explained.

"I think I'm gonna like having this book." Raven said as she jumped on Beastboy in her quest to thank him properly.

Raven may have enjoyed having that book but Cyborg sure didn't. Every time he would mention going to a bar or going to a club with his buddy, Raven would suddenly appear and use a page out of her book. It was always the same thing, Beastboy would just say "Sorry Cy" and then grab Raven and hold her on the couch while Raven gave him a triumphant look. It was clear to him that Raven didn't want him going to these places. 'I'll just have to wait until she runs out of pages.' Cyborg thought to himself. 

A month passed by and Cyborg finally made a conclusion. Raven was taking the pages back from Beastboy and using her magic to put them back in the book.

"That is so cheating!" Cyborg yelled to himself. Cyborg made a point to ask Beastboy to go to a bar every day and when Raven would give Beastboy a piece of paper, Cyborg would take it and put it in the incinerator. Raven would glare at him for the rest of the day when he did that. This went on for a couple of weeks and to the meat loving titan's relief, Raven's book was getting smaller every day. He finally got Raven to use her final page the day before her birthday so the metal man planned a multi day getaway with his buddy so that they could hit every bar and club on the west coast. 

What Cyborg didn't plan for however, was Raven asking Beastboy for another much larger cuddle book for her birthday.

"Oh, Come on!"

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