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Noah's POV
2d 16h 1m 21s. The soft tics filled my mind as I left my dorm to go get some dinner. As is my standard routine.
Throwing on my coat and scarf as well as my bag I make my way out the door of my single room. I lock my door and walk down the hall before leaving my floor.
I end up semi-jogging down a flight of stairs and through the lobby of chestnut hall.
I do a final pat down of my pockets. Wallet, phone, keys, and ID. Perfect. Everything's in place and I start my journey to the dining hall.
As I make my way across the courtyard I spot a friend of mine, george, as well as his girlfriend, Bella.
They wave and make their way toward me. We all exchange pleasantries and make our way over to dinner.
We pass our main lecture halls within ten or so minutes. Though George and Bella had only met a few months prior, you could hear the admiration in one another's voices.
It was lovely to see how amazing soulmate pairings could be. And I'm so excited to meet mine. I'm going to end up spoiling them rotten.
But that's all part of the fun and happiness. I spot the dining hall and we all sigh a collective sigh of relief.
It's starting to freeze over and the temperature is dropping rapidly. So a break from the cold is welcomed with open arms.
We all smile and quickly head over. I hold the door open for both of them and we head in. The warmth embraces me and I take a deep breath in looking around.
There's a good amount of people in here despite it being rather early in the day. It's only 5:45 pm, but a hot meal is enough to draw any college student in.
I typically wouldn't eat down here, but I didn't want to lose all of my credits. And as the semester is almost over, I needed to use them.
I looked at the options for types of food, and decided on a sandwich with a salad. I figured that I may as well try the different options before the semester ends so I know where to use my credits.
I walk up to the counter and place my order with the girl on the other side. She smiles and gives me my number and swipes my card.
I thank her and take my receipt and cup before I step away and make my way to the soda fountain. I pick fruit punch as I'm not much of a soda person.
I place the lid on my drink and put a straw in it before I go back to wait for my food.
"I have a turkey club and a salad for Noah!" I hear a voice call. I walk up to the counter and smile at the man before taking my food and walking over to a table.
I set down my belongings before I open my bag and grab my laptop. I turn it on and log in only for a window to pop up.
Email upon email from my professors. I shake my head and rub my eyes before I start responding. I'm nearly caught up on all of them when george and Bella take a seat at the table.
We all make small talk as we eat and work, and before we know it we've all finished our food.
I start to put my laptop and other items away and Bella offers to throw away everyone's trash. We both thank her and she takes off to find a bin.
"So how much longer on that clock?" George inquires. "I've got two days" I say happily. He claps me on the shoulder and we begin a discussion on what I should do to prepare.
I need to be calm when I meet them. But also excited.
It's difficult to predict how I should be. I know as a larger girl, I might be intimidating. But I hope they're not scared of me.
I look much more grown than I should at my age. I'm 19 and 5,11, which may be fairly scary for a smaller person.
But I'll be as kind and welcoming as I can be. Or try my best at least.
I finally zip up my coat as Bella comes back. We all make our way out of the dining hall and it feels as if the temperature has dropped by another ten degrees.
We attempt to get back to the dorms as fast as possible, but it still takes a good ten minutes. The campus is rather large.
We go our separate ways and I speed up a bit. It feels as if it's getting colder by the second, and that isn't a fun experience.
I swipe into the building once I reach the doors and head inside quickly.
It's beginning to snow furiously and I'd rather not be in that.
I make a point to get up the stairs as quickly as possible so I can shower and finish some work. As well as prepare for a week from now.
I make my way up to my floor and head to my dorm.
Unlocking my door I sigh and shut it behind me. I hang up my coat and scarf. Setting my shoes by the door I place everything in it's correct place. I take a seat and start to compose my essay that's due in a few days.
The only noises that filled the room were my breathing, typing and ticking.
2d 12h 1m 21s. Four hours closer. It's so close, yet so so far. But I'm incredibly excited.

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