I started walking around looking for a certain sexy devil to fuck. 

I wanted something fun with no attachments right now and that's exactly what Lucifer is known for. Plus he is hot, and who can resist a bad boy? 

As I wandered around I found myself dancing with a few cute guys and one or two girls before I wandered to a more relaxed part of the nightclub. 

It had big round tables and kinda gave off a 20's vibe which I really liked. 

Just as I walked around I saw the devil himself in all his sexiness. 

He was sitting by himself and when I walked over he said the most him thing ever. "Well hello gorgeous. So, tell me. What is it that you truly desire?" he said with his classic lucifer smile.

"Oh drop the desire shit lucifer I want to party what do you say, wings?" I said sitting down next to him and giving him a confident smirk

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"Oh drop the desire shit lucifer I want to party what do you say, wings?" I said sitting down next to him and giving him a confident smirk. 

"How is it you know who I am, love?" he asked leaning back but I could see the pure interest in his eyes. 

I let out a small laugh "well that's simple sweetie. I'm from a different universe and in my universe you are a tv show" I told him with a shrug before taking a sip of my drink in boredom. 

"Well that is interesting and is there anything you can tell me?" he asked with interest. 

I huffed because of course he would want me to fix shit for him. 

"Ok here is the thing I came here because I needed a fucking night of fun drugs booze and some dick. So, if you can give me those things I'll tell you all that shit tomorrow. I just want one night to just forget about all my problems and then you get your info, deal?" I asked him while reaching out my hand for him to shake. 

He shook my hand and nodded at me before ordering another round of drinks. 

After a shit ton more drinks I asked luci if he had any good drugs and he said he loved drugs, of course, he had some so we had a very interesting night.

All I remembered from the entire night was having Lucifer take body shots off me and us dancing with a bunch of girls while we got fucked up

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All I remembered from the entire night was having Lucifer take body shots off me and us dancing with a bunch of girls while we got fucked up. 

It was a great night and I really needed the fun before having to go back into serious mode. 

Luckily for me Lucifer knew how to have a shit ton of fun. 

I think we eventually crashed in his apartment for the night but it gets really hazy after I took a few pills so I have no idea what really happened.

I became aware of the world around me when I heard groaning coming from the other room. 

I opened my eyes to see I was in a big bed with a few people around me. 

I saw another girl and heard a girl puking in the bathroom. Well shit looks like I was at least in a threesome last night....nope foursome....shit fivesome? Oh hell, I need to re-think my life....eh fuck it it was fun. 

Suddenly Lucifer walked into the room without a shirt on and I just had to stare at all the sexyness. Don't judge me he is so fucking hot. Plus I'm pretty sure we slept together so who the hell cares? 

"Well look who is awake. I held up my end of the deal now it is time for you to hold up your end" Lucifer said with a smirk. 

I just groaned and flopped back into the bed.

Eventually, I tore myself from the most comfortable bed on the planet and got dressed, and took a shower

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Eventually, I tore myself from the most comfortable bed on the planet and got dressed, and took a shower. 

I told Luci to get me a notebook and something to write with. 

Once I was dressed and ready I sat down with some coffee and doughnuts and wrote out a fuck up book for him. 

Once I had finished I handed it to him "here this has all the shit I could remember. At the very least it will help you out" I said with a shrug before refilling my cup of coffee and sitting down on the couch to relax before I went to the next universe. 

"Thank you darling. This will be very helpful. I hope I helped you as well, you went off on some drunk ramblings last night and I just have to say it will get better and if you ever need a break just come and hang out. You are too much fun not to come back every once in a while" he said sitting down next to me with a charming smile. 

I smiled back at him "thanks Lucy, I'll keep that offer in mind. See you when I see you" I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and running away.


Sooooo what u think? It took me forever to think of something to do next and I just thought fuck it let's do lucifer. They party for most of that show lol happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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