More Idol Love Headcanons Cuz Ya'll Really Thought This was Over XD

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Yall really thought I'd be done with this book after literally taking almost 4 years to write the damn thing? HAHAHA no. Any sane person would be but I'm not so here. Let me feed you some more headcanons and shit.

*Keith is actively trying to learn bits and pieces of Spanish so he can understand Lance and his family during family gatherings.

*Keith trying to speak Spanish is the most adorable and cringy thing EVER.

*Lance loves the late nights of teaching Keith simple phrases and watching him stutter.

*Lance is also trying to learn some Korean.

*Keith calls Lance, 서방님, which means Husband, even though they're not married yet.

*Luis and Marco are skeptical of Lance getting married so soon.
*They overprotective
*Rachel doesn't care
*Veronica is excited
*So is Camila
*Andres (Lance's dad) is also a bit skeptical but more accepting than Luis and Marco.

*Cecile and Liliana are 100% flower girls

*Nadia and Sylvio (Canon niece and nephew) will be present in the extra chapters


*Keith is gonna get interrogated by Luis and Marco.

*Veronica is divorced and a single mom (just an extra fact ;).)
*Building off of that, Lance is often a father figure to Lily and Cece. (He's also like a brother too sometimes).

*We all know Lance is the cool uncle... so he's of course gonna drag Keith into the madness.

*Keith doesn't know how to kid. He is so awkward.
*Lance finds this hilarious.

*Lance coaches Keith on how to deal with kids.

*Keith wants to have a good relationship with Lance's family.
*His anti-social ass is TRYING


Okay, I don't got anymore. Drop yours though, cause I'd love to know how you guys perceive the book.

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