Chapter 22

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Lotor and the girls go silent, trying to think of something to sing. Keith smirks, "What? Cat got your tongue?"

Ezor smiles, "It seems we are once again at a loss for words- oh lyrics actually!"

The DJ interrupts the conversation, "I wish I could give this round to G5 so they could say that they actually won a round but they just couldn't live up to expectations. Maybe you 5 should try and convince Akira to come back?"

Axca raises an eyebrow, "Yeah, that's so not happening."

The DJ continues, "All the drama and emotions aside, Akira and his group win!"


"Drinks are on me boys!" Pidge says.

"That won't be necessary," Keith yawns, "I'm ready to go home... That took way too much energy outta me."

Hunk looks at his phone and nods, "It's like 1 in the morning so I'm with Keith on this one."

Pidge sighs and looks at her phone, noticing her lock screen is full of notifications, "Uh, yeah... home would be a great idea."

She smiles awkwardly and Keith grabs her phone, "Holy shit."

"What..?" Lance and Hunk question Keith.

Lance leans over Keith's shoulder and notices the full lock screen, "I hope that doesn't mean we're in big trouble."

Everyone deadpans at Lance and he laughs awkwardly, "Okay, so we are in a lot of trouble."

Keith hands Pidge her phone back and pulls his own phone out of his p̶u̶r̶s̶e̶  bag and is greeted with his lock screen full of notifications, "We are screwed."


"WHERE WERE YOU FOUR?!" Shiro shouts worriedly as the group steps out of the elevator.

"Downtown," Keith answers vaguely.

"W H E R E?!"

Pidge sighs in annoyance, "We were at some clubs."

"Clubs?! As in like multiple places?!"

"I'm pretty sure that's why there was an 'S' at the end of club so yeah," Pidge answers sarcastically. 

Shiro is once again pissed off, "You four are all going to explain right now."

Keith yawns and leans against Lance, "Can we do this in the morning? I'm about to pass out."

Shiro raises an eyebrow, "Quit trying to fool me. Tell me what you four were doing, now."

Those four in question exchange looks. Lance gets sarcastic, "Last time I checked you aren't my dad."

Pidge smacks Lance and takes the lead, "Excuse his smartassery. What we mean to say is that we wanted to have some fun so we went out and had some drinks and danced a bit. But I brought them home safely so that's all that matters."

Shiro pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance, "You know what? I'm done! I'm done! I'm happy you're home safe. That's all that matters. I'm going to bed."

Shiro leaves and Pidge heads for the elevator. Keith looks at her, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Back to Matt's and my apartment."

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