Chapter 34

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Keith leans against the railing and looks out into the lit up Hollywood hills of the night. He sighs, looking down and pushing away from the railing, deciding to lean his back on the rail. He rests an elbow on the rail and pulls his phone out. Typing the password in and swiping over to the messages, Keith clicks on Shiro's contact and starts to complain.


Keith: I need relationship advice


After a few minutes, Shiro replies.


Shiro: What did he do?
Keith: He can't make up his mind. 
Shiro: oh cause that's so surprising
Keith ya ya
Shiro: Just explain already


Keith goes on a rant instead of just explaining the situation at hand.


Keith: I'm just tired of it.
Shiro: well then talk to him
Keith: tlk??? Lik thts gonna happen
Shiro: Keith
Keith: wut
Shiro: talk to lance
Keith: Shiro, thts not happening
Shiro: fine, if you want your relationship to fall apart AGAIN don't talk to him. You'll regret it.


Keith groans and shoves his phone into his pocket. He looks into the windows and sees Lance with his friends laughing and smiling. That bothers him. 
Keith makes his way inside and over to Lance. They make eye contact and Lance looks away, opting to talk to some pretty girl instead. A low, frustrated growl escapes Keith's lips as he watches. 
After a few moments of per torture, Keith works up the courage to say something, "Lance, can we talk about earlier?"

Lance looks at him, "Nows not a good time."

"Lance, please," He has to think of something quick, "It's about work."

Lance sighs but keeps the same smile on his face as he waves off his friends, "What is it?"

"Not here," Keith looks around at everyone then motions to the door that leads back out to the balcony. 

Lance lets out a huff but agrees to follow Keith out to the dimly lit balcony. They go to the far right side where to mansion wall met the rail and began to talk. 

"So, what is it? Shortened date? Label mad?" Lance questions the other, "Pidge demanding you come back to Korea? The label dropping us-"

Keith cuts him off with a quick peck on the lips. Lance, of course, instantly freaks out, "Keith, what the hell?!" 
The Cuban looks around worriedly before Keith grabs his shoulders, "Calm down, no one saw us."

"But what if they did?!"

"Lance, calm down. I can assure you no one saw us."

"This isn't Korea Keith. The paparazzi are crazy in America."

"You think I don't know?"

Lance just looks away towards the party inside and sighs, "What's going on? You said this is about work."

Keith looks to the hills and mansions, "It's not..."

"Well, then why'd you drag me out here?"

"We need to talk about us."

Lance freezes and tenses up, "What do you mean?"

"I was talking to Shiro earlier and-"

"Of course.."

Keith whips around and glares at Lance, "What do you mean, 'of course'?"

"Nothing, really... just continue."

"Fine," Keith huffs, "So, I was talking to Shiro about you and me and I came to the conclusion that I don't want to hide anymore."


"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't actually."

Keith sighs and looks to his feet, "I don't want to pretend that you and me aren't anything. Like, I'm tired of this secrecy. If I'm in a relationship I want people to know."

"Keith, we've talked about this. I'm not ready-"

"I don't care!" Keith snaps, looking up at Lance, pain sparking across his violet eyes, "Let me be selfish for once!"


"Lance, I'm serious! I don't like hiding this around your friends because your too scared to admit that you like a guy!"

"Keith, stop."

"No!" Keith argues, "I don't want to have to act like there's nothing going on between us when there is! I'm not gonna hide this forever," Keith motions between them, "I'm not gonna hide us forever!"

Lance glares at him, "You don't understand what it's like..."

"Don't you dare assume I don't know what it's like 'cause I do! I risked my entire career coming out. But I did it because hiding who I am isn't what I do! The least you can do is do the same."

Lance looks back towards the lit windows that cast light and shadows onto the balcony, "I'm not ready to tell them."

"Well you're gonna have to like it or not."

Lance looks to Keith now just as upset, "No."


"No, I'm not going to tell them."

"Well you're going to have to tell them eventually." Keith says, walking past the other.


Despite the efforts put in to find him by Lance and his friends, Keith was already long gone. And he may have been lost in the hills of Hollywood but he just didn't care. He's the one that stormed out because he was mad.

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