Chapter 16

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The tension between the pair seemed to disappear overnight, which kinda scared Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro. Just yesterday they seemed to be at each other's throats for something insignificant. Now, Keith is in a bit of a lovesick daze, while Lance, on the other hand, seems to be quite confused. Unlike Keith, who has years of dating experience, Lance is a complete newbie. Sure he's dated some girls in the past, but that was years ago! And those were girls! Last time he checked Keith is a guy, not a girl. Besides having to deal with a confused man-baby, the rest of the house's inhabitants have been dealing with a lovesick, dazed, Keith. It seemed as if he'd never shut up about his new lover.

"I swear if I hear another word about those two idiots dating I'm shooting someone," Pidge complains to Hunk and Shiro.

Hunk smiles lightly and pats Pidge's back, "Oh come on Pidge. Aren't you happy that we don't have to deal with the angst and tension between them anymore?"

Pidge simply glares, "If I knew I'd have to hear about how 'amazing' Lance is every five seconds I would've opted to deal with Keith crying over how much of an arrogant dick Lance is."

"Oh come on Katie," Shiro tries to lighten the mood, "Lance can't be that bad."

Glares. Just disappointed glares. 

"Okay, maybe he is that bad at times but be happy that you don't have to live with these two." Shiro leans against the table and glances at his phone, "I didn't get a second of sleep last night because of the thousands of texts I got from Keith."

"Oh believe me," Hunk groans, "Lance is making me regret my career choices. I got to the point where I had to tell him that he can only text me about his job and that's it. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT WAS FOR ME???"

Pidge raises an eyebrow at Hunk, "Are you sure you're Lance's manager and not his best friend?"

"Is there supposed to be a difference between those two things?" Hunk asks worriedly.

Pidge and Shiro exchange some concerned glances before Pidge answers, "I mean usually there is... But I guess it's fine to be your client's best friend."

Hunk starts to visibly worry more. Shiro smiles and tries to reassure Hunk, "I'm sure it's fine to be Lance's best friend and manager. I can see you know how to manage him while also be there for him as his best friend so I'd say what you're doing is fine."

Hunk really needed that reassurance. He gives Shiro a small smile but then goes back into panic mode, "Oh no... I forgot to wake up Lance! I'll be right back!"

Hunk races out of the dining room and upstairs, leaving Shiro and Pidge alone in the dining room. Pidge grabs her laptop and opens it, ready to work on Keith's schedule for the next month. Shiro jokingly nudges Pidge, "I think Hunk is also Lance's mother at times."

That reminds Pidge of something causing a devious grin to spread across her face. Shiro gives her a questioning look as Pidge adjusts her glasses. She looks at Shiro, straight into his soul, "You're one to talk. Aren't you forgetting something?"

It hits Shiro like a bullet and off he goes to go drag Keith out of his cave. Pidge smiles to herself and goes back to schedule planning.


"What should I wear?" Lance asks Hunk.

"Why does your outfit matter...?" Hunk question's Lance.

"Uh, have you not been paying attention?!" Lance states, "Keith and I are a thing now!"

Hunk facepalms for about the thousandth time, "Oh my god... Lance, you don't have to get all dressed up to impress Keith."

"But- I thought-"

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