Chapter 5

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"Hey, babe. Long time no see.~~~"

Upon hearing this all so familiar and bone-chilling voice, Keith's deep purple eyes snap up to meet his Ex's light blue ones. Fear washes over Keith like ice cold water, sending a frightened shiver down his spine.
Trying to sink down further into his seat, Keith acts like he didn't just run into his dreaded Ex. 

"Aw, don't act like you don't see me," Keith's Ex hums, placing a cold hand on Keith's shoulder. 

Flinching from the sudden physical touch, Keith glares at his dreaded white and purple haired Ex. Looking away at the brick wall that the table is attached to, Keith scoffs, "Oh, what was that..? I could've sworn I heard something that sounded like a petty ass bitch that can't move on."

Lotor flashes a blinding white smirk at Keith, "Don't act like you don't miss me."

Turning his attention to his ex, Keith smiles softly, hiding his sheer rage and terror, "Oh, sweetie, I don't have to act. I'm already over you. I don't miss you one bit."

Lotor takes a couple steps back in the conversation, trying to regain his smooth, but cocky attitude. But before Lotor could say something, Lance came back into the picture.

"Hey Keith, I'm..." Lance pauses a second, seeing Keith's tall Ex standing right there, "Who is this..?"

Looking at his album partner or more appropriately, love interest, Keith smiles, "He's no one, babe."

Lotor's mouth slightly hangs agape, upon hearing the word 'babe' come out of Keith's mouth. It made Lotor feel somewhat sick with the dreaded feeling of losing something you love. It felt so weird and upsetting to hear that word that was once directed towards him, being directed towards this unknown man.

Upon hearing 'babe' roll out of Keith's mouth, like he's called him this a million times. Lance, stands there completely dumbfounded.  Noticing this, Keith sends Lance a secret help look. With that simple look, Lance understands the whole situation in a matter of seconds. 

Plastering a cocky, smug grin on his face, Lance gets closer to the raven-haired male and throws an arm around him. Lotor stares at the two in amazement, sadness, and rage. He was never able to truly get over Keith. Sure it's been a year but Lotor just can't. get. over. him. 

"Look, man," Lance explains, "No hard feelings okay..? Keith and I are kind of on a date right now and we'd like you to please leave us alone."

A slight blush reformed across Keith's pale face upon hearing the word, "date". He could only wish for this to be a real date. But he has to push aside this stupid love at first site shit and focus on the situation at hand. Lotor is quite annoying and stubborn sometimes when it comes to Keith. Keith is like a prized possession of his, in Lotor's eyes. 

Lotor was still not bothering to move an inch away from this so-called couple. Keith glared daggers into his Ex's icy blue eyes before speaking, "Lotor, would you please leave? I'm sure Acxa and Ezor are looking for you as we speak." 

Glancing behind Lotor, Keith spots one of the girls, Narti to be exact. "Speak of the devil..."

Lotor glances back to see Narti with her long bangs over her eyes like always, and her right arm wrapped around her cat, Kova. Placing a gentle warm hand on her bandmate's shoulder, Narti glances up at Lotor then motions across the club to where the rest of the girls are.

"Not now Narti!" Lotor snaps, "Can't you see I'm busy?!"

Narti simply nods and removes her hand from Lotor's shoulder, slowly looking down at Kova and petting him with her free hand. Narti always had that short of, innocent, wouldn't hurt a fly kind of look. She sort of acted like it too. Always carrying her pet around with her, rarely speaking but when she does it's in a soft, sweet, soothing voice. You name it, she'll qualify for your typical sweet shy girl. 

Shifting his full attention to Narti, Keith says, "He really isn't busy. If the girls wanted him back you can gladly take him back."

Narti's dull facial expression never changes. Not even a mouth movement. This short of creeps Lance out. He's never seen a person this stone-faced for so long. He's never met someone this quiet. Narti is like an alien to him. This type of girl really wouldn't be at a club unless her friends dragged her along with them against her will.

Lance looks at Lotor then to Narti before coming to the conclusion that everyone in that little k-pop group wasn't really a nice. Now he sees why Keith left. 

Narti reaches for Lotor again as if to tell him it's time to go. But before she can even really make a movement, Lotor swings his arm back, knocking Narti flat on the ground. Kova jumps out of the poor girl's arms, to a nearby table for safety,  before they can both make impact with the carpeted flooring.

Narti's dull face changes to something that you could associate with rage. Rushing to her aid like the gentleman he is, Lance lets' go of Keith and rushes over to this unknown female. When asked if she's okay, Narti only gives a simple nod before standing up and retrieving her cat from the nearby table. After petting Kova and making sure he's okay, Narti walks back over to the other side of the club.

Keith stares at Lotor in disgust. He really hasn't changed. He's just as abusive as he was before. Now Keith isn't the victim, it's Narti. 


I am so sorry that this took so long to post. Also, I am sooooooooooo sorry that this was shorter than the last few chapters. I missed like a week worth of school and my grades are literal shit and my next break is soon. I'd like to focus on my school work to make sure I graduate from this hellish place called school. Also, I'm thinking about making another AU soon. After watching The Book of LIfe and Coco, and analyzing the two movies to no end for a day and a half straight I had a few Klance AU ideas. Honestly, it'd be a ghost type AU, Like afterlife AU. But let me know if anyone wants to see that AU. It'd be very angsty and upsetting though, so if you're not up for the angst please tell me.

Also give me feedback and ideas for this AU. I want ya'll to be involved in this and make it fun.


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