Chapter 42

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Is it just me or is the NON-TOXIC Voltron Fandom coming back to life??? Like, my Instagram feed is progressively getting more Klance content in it again along with my TikTok. I've also noticed like about 100-200 of ya'll read every single new chapter within the first 3 days. So, like... Non-Toxic Voltron Stans and New-Comers are just like bringing some life force back into Voltron and Klance?

This explanation is like absolute dogsh!t but like I've been having trouble with English lately. Like, I can write stories perfectly fine but writing anything else, let alone trying to READ (which one of my favorite things in the entire world) has been a STRUGGLE lately. My eyes like won't focus on text when reading and trying to talk or write anything besides stories has been INCREDIBLY difficult. 

When I try to explain anything, be it writing it down, or saying it out loud is just not it lately. Idek how to properly explain it but it's infuriating for me. I'm so used to reading being an easy enjoyable thing, and talking to my friends isn't even enjoyable cuz I can't talk. TRYING TO TEXT IS PISSING ME OFF. 

I think my basic human function of writing, reading, and speaking is broken atm.


One of the most annoying sounds fills the couple's ears at 9 am. If that wasn't annoying, the curtains also rose with the alarm. The light cascading into the room combined with the annoying beeping of the alarm on the side table was enough to make anyone a little bit grumpy.

"Laaaance," Keith groans, covering his face with his pillow to block the sun, "Turn off the alarm!"

Lance groans as well whilst rolling over and hitting snooze on the digital alarm clock. He gets comfortable again and goes right back to sleep in a matter of seconds as any sane person would. Keith, on the other hand, is still aching and can't get comfortable again. Trying to get comfortable, he rolls over and buries his face in the nape of Lance's neck, desperate to block out the light. The two of them stay like this for another ten minutes until the alarm goes off again. This time, Keith props himself up and leans over the other to turn the alarm off. 

After the alarm is off, Keith lets out a huff of air and lays back down, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes, he places a hand on Lance's shoulder and shakes him awake, "We should probably get up."

"5 more minutes," Lance mumbles, turning and wrapping an arm around Keith's waist.

Keith contemplates this for moment, ultimately deciding that they do need to get up. Squirming out from Lance's grasp, he grabs his phone and slowly sits up, whincing from pain stinging up and through his back. Attempting to stretch, Keith feels a pair of arms snake around him again.

"Lance," Keith groans. Lance hums in response, face in the bed sheet. Keith places his hands on Lance's and gets out of the trap. Turning to face his partner, Keith looks down at the sleepy man, "It's our last day together."

Lance lifts his head, eyes heavily lidded, clearly exhausted, "All the more reason to keep you in bed."

Groaning once more, Keith pushes Lance's head back into the bed, playfully, before getting up. Pain hits him like a truck barreling down the highway going over 100 mph. Bracing himself, Keith keeps a hand on the edge of the bed. He makes his way around the comfortable object and over to the dresser. He grabs some clothes before looking back at Lance, "I'm gonna take a bath. You better be up soon."

Lance gives him a thumbs up and almost passes out again.


Lance's Instagram feed has been hectic lately, which has caused him to almost completely avoid it. Switching to the Explore tab, Lance is greeted with the usual pictures of celebs, influencers, models, etc. Instead of clicking on one of the feeds of countless photos of celebrities, Lance goes to the search bar and types in his fan's most used hashtag, '#LoverboyLance'. Yes, it is just his stage name but the usual fanart, photos, etc, pop up. 

Idol Love [Klance AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora