Chapter 50

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Alright, I'mma warn ya'll now. I don't know a lick Spanish. I am a full fledged privileged white bitch that took FRENCH instead of SPANISH IN HIGHSCHOOL. So yeAH. All of the Spanish that has been used so far is all from an online translator (reverso because it works for French so hopefully it works for Spanish). Also all the Spanish in this chapter has been put through reverso MULTIPLE TIMES. SO H O P E F U L L Y, I'M USING THE RIGHT WORDS. I'm so sorry if I messed it up though.
Anyways on with the END of the story!

"Breaking News......Loverboy..."

"K-pop legend Akira..."

"What a way to come out!"

"Some still think it's a hoax! Others think.."

"-Would you do me the honor..."

"Yes! A hundred times yes!"

"Did you expect this turn of events?"

Keith was the first one to stir awake in the couple's hotel room in Tokyo. The TV they left on from the night before waking him. He groans and yawns, stretching, allowing his body to wake up slowly. The Korean looks up at the TV and see's the blurring headline on the bottom of the screen through his sleep-filled vision.


Keith shakes his head in disbelief but then remembers the night prior. Lance proposed to him on stage. Subsequently, this met he came out last night. After this registers in Keith's brain, he begins to worry. He knows Lance did this on his own free will but does he regret it?

"Hey baby, wake up," Keith hums in Lance's ear, shaking him lightly.

"Mmm... 5 more minutes."

"Babe, c'mon," Keith huffs, "We're on the news again!"

Lance sleepily sits up. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, the American stretches and asks, "Why..? What did we do this time?"

"Are you serious?"

"Mmhhmmm..." Lance blinks a couple of times. Letting his vision unblur from his slumber, he looks at the still slightly blurry TV. Realizing he can't read the headline, nor understand anything the host is saying, Lance, turns to Keith, "Translation?"

Keith holds up his hand, showing Lance the ring, "What do you think?"

"Since when did you... MIERDA," Lance's eyes blow wide as realizes what he did, "So that wasn't a dream!"

Keith almost laughs and lets his hand fall to his side, "Nope! You really did-"

"Propose last night..." Lance finishes his fiance's sentence.


"Santa mierda.." Lance looks down and shakes his head, "How-.. How is the media taking it?"

Keith looks back up at the screen and reads the headline out loud, "Breaking News: American Popstar, Loverboy Lance Proposes, But Not To Who You Think," He pauses to hear what the ladies have to say then translates, "It seems like this station is cool with it."

"Change the channel," Lance instructs him.

Keith looks around for a moment to find the remote before switching the channel to another news network. No other channel paid much mind to the proposal besides the celebrity news channel.  

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