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In the language of flowers: Iris means:"Faith"

Third Person POV:

Three weeks have passed after saving Zoro. The road to recovery is pretty hard considering that his previous wounds were opened and re-stitched by the good doctor that attended him. Ivankov went again on a business trip, but not before lending a hand to his favorite niece with her precious flower shop. Zoro was helping around in the shop with what he could: with his arm cast, it made it hard for him to work. (Y/N), however, was in a bit of an
Emotional crossroad.

Marco hasn't talked to her since that day. He only asked if she was okay but after that the conversation started to die down. It was three weeks and she hasn't heard from him for 7 days now. And this was bothering her.

"(Y/N) should text him." Snapped her out of her thoughts. They were getting darker with each moment she kept staring at the phone, feeling a little empty.

"If he hasn't messaged me after a few days, then I don't think he wants anything to do with me after all that happened."

"The guy broke LIMBS to get to me and to help you out."Zoro exclaimed. "You need to be a big girl and text him. He's your boyfriend and if he is ignoring you it's because something is really bothering him and he's trying to deal with it himself." He expressed, making the poor little florist sigh and nod. She took out her phone out and took a leap of faith.

"Miss California, I'm here for ya
Lean up on me, I'm coming for ya-Miss California, I'm singing for ya-Your sun is so warm, you just consume m-"

"THATCH!"yelled a very pissy Marco at the eldest Newgate as he was running downstairs and to the kitchen to pick up his phone. Normally Thatch would joke around but when the eldest appeared in the kitchen with a straight line in his face: he meant business.

"Take the call." He glared, looking at how the screen down phone jingled as Marco got to it and his face contorted into one of worry.


"Meet me at my house after the shop closes, we need to talk."

Flowers for me (MarcoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now