🍋Thorn Roses🍋

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In the language of flowers: thorn roses mean 'Denoting sin, sorrow, hardship, pain and pleasure.'


"Where are we going?"

"The lake house."


"It's safe."

You looked at how the rain pelted the outside the car. You felt like your world was going down quickly. Your house got broken into and your gardens took the brunt of the damage. The cameras were vandalized as well. You felt like the world was going against you.

Zoro got discharge a week before your house was vandalized and you thank your lucky stars you had insurance for both the house and the shop. They can be rebuild, at least.

"I don't get it. What did I do that was so bad?" You mumbled. The soft patter of the rain stopped as Marco pulled over the garage. Sabo and Koala were already inside the house, Luffy & Ace were on their way and Thatch stayed with their adoptive father to do a bit of cleaning up, whatever it was.


Once Inside, you all moved to the different rooms. You stayed in the basement with Koala while the boys were cooking something.

"How are you holding?" She asked softly. Your head on her lap, both covered in a soft blanket as the tv played on the background.

"I feel numb." You whispered, grasping the blanket a bit harder. "I just want to sleep." You mumbled, making the young girl frown. "Now, listen. You have no fault in this. People usually do this out of two things: A lot of anger or a lot of admiration. Have you been feeling like lately you can't be alone?"

"Huh...now that you mention it...this past week I've been getting unknown number phone calls from the shop phone, but the only thing that came out if the receiver is heavy breathing or a creepy 'stay safe'. I thought it was a prank." You squeaked and Koala hummed. "Is it creepy like 'I want to murder you' or 'I want babies with you'?"

"A bit of both? More of the second option tho."

"Ew." She said, making you giggle. "Speaking of babies...when am I gonna be an Aunt?" She said with a shit eating grin, making you stand up from your position and cover your face with the covers.

"We haven't gone all the way yet..."



Night quickly fell as Marco and Sabo finished cooking. Ace and Luffy were snoozing on Pop's room as Sabo and Koala were huddled up In The girls room while you were playing with your handheld in the boys room. Marco was taking a bath.

You thought about what you talked with Koala and mentally prepared yourself. It wasn't that you didn't like the idea of sex with your boyfriend (you've spent lonely nights pleasuring yourself with the idea of your boyfriend taking you unhinged), but you didn't feel like you had a lot of experience in that area. Sex with Zoro used to be full of fun. It was spontaneous and where you least expect it. But it also lacked the passion and romance you craved.

"You know,  if you keep shaking trees, the wasps are going to hurt you." You heard a soft whisper in your ear along with a nip or the cartilage. You squeaked as he pinned your down on the bed. Moving your switch out of the way and to the drawer next to the bed.

Flowers for me (MarcoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now