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In the language of flowers: Aster means 'Patience, elegance and afterthought.'

A week after the party, You were less focused than usual. Zoro noticed that you looked at the phone life if it were a lifeline and got excited when you got a call. Only to sigh softly to yourself and greet the client on the other line.

"Do you want me to hook you up?" Zoro said with a yawn as you scrambled from your place next to the phone and you shook your head. "Nope! And go out with Ussop again? No thank you!" You squeaked as you kept getting busy with flowers once more and Zoro shrugged.

The dingling of the bells took your attention as you saw a familiar boy looking at the shop with wonder.

"Hey, Zoro! Hey, boss (Y/N)!"

"Luffy, we agreed that I'm just (Y/N). Only Zoro has to call me boss from 10:00AM to 6:00PM." You said with a grin as Luffy giggled and shrugged. The college boy popped just in time for lunch, every Wednesday. He also was a bit of help around the shop making sure the flowers were well hydrated, it made closing time easier.

"I hope you don't mind but one of my brothers is bringing food." Luffy said as he sprayed the his favorite flowers delicately with a fish squirter. This peaked Zoro's interest. "Which one?"

"I think it's Thatch." Luffy replied, patting the area he misted dry and went to clean his hands. That's when the door jingled and He ran to the front of the shop to greet the newcomer.

"Huh? I thought Thatch was coming."

"He had an errand-yoi. I hope your friends don't mind that it's me, tho. Ace is with me, too."

You were gonna scamper to the front of the store to greet the new comer and almost froze in your tracks. Before they noticed your shocked state, Zoro pulled you to the side and placed his hands on your shoulders. Getting you back into your senses. "T-that's the guy that helped me at the party." You stuttered softly. Your cheeks going red, Making Zoro smirk.

"Oh? Tall, blonde and pineapple looking are your type now?" He teased

"If you don't want to be faceless in the next minute, take that back." You growled. Earning Zoro's defeat and a pep talk saying 'You can do this, it's just lunch.'

'I wonder if he remembers me, tho...' you thought with a sigh as Zoro beckoned everyone into the break room and closed the shop in front for an hour.

After everyone is settled in, that's when the exchange of food began. Tupawares of steaming, hot food were finally openers. The menu for today was meat lasagna with five cheeses (ricotta, cream cheese, mozzarella, Munster and Swiss cheese), garlic bread and a small simple spinach salad on the side.

As much as you were enjoying the food, Marco didn't really look at you, or even noticed you as you were eating. He was more focused in a problem going on in his phone. When lunch was finished, yo took everything to your little kitchen and proceeded to clean everything in order to give it back meanwhile Everyone went to the front of the shop. Well, almost everyone.

"Hey, Uh, sorry if I didn't talk to you, or to anyone at all today-yoi. I had to deal with a business issue during lunch and I couldn't ignore it-yoi. I didn't mean to come off as rude. However: I come bearing a gift." The voice behind you said, approaching you from behind and gently placing a bottle of honey whiskey on your line of vision. You looked up to thank Marco and you felt your heart drop.

Up close he was stunning. 6'8", neat blonde hair, charcoal gray suit with a black button up, light blue tie that hung loosely around his neck and a pair of glasses that fitted his frame. You couldn't do much but to ogle at his form for a little bit before you felt a poke to your shoulder.

"You okay-yoi?"

"Y-yeah! Totally! I just, uh,spaced out for a little. I think I need a break from work. Thank you for the bottle." You said sweetly, placing the liquor inside one of the cupboards as he started speaking.

"I wanted to ask if you were going to do something on Saturday. Maybe you'd like to have a cup of coffee-yoi?" He asked, eyes trained on you, his lips tugging upwards when you nodded. "So, here's my number. I tried calling the shop but it kept bouncing to voicemail for some odd reason..." he mumbled and you looked at him curiously. He called?

"At what hour did you call?"

"Around...7:00PM?" He said, making you giggle. "My shop closes at 6PM. But I can give you my personal number? Let's swap phones?" You suggested, earning him pulling out his phone and handing it to you and you did the same to him.

Both punched the number, saved it under your respective names, saved contact and exchanged phones again. "Now, you can call or message in anytime!" You said with a grin as you escorted him to the front of the shop.

"Great. I'll see you later, (Y/N)-yoi." Said Marco as he excited the shop with Luffy and Ace bothering him.

You let out a dreamy sigh as Zoro lifted up a brow and opened the shop again.

Smirking that his plan with Ace worked. He pulled up his phone and started texting when you went away to tend your flowers for another bouquet.

[Zoro: They have a date.]

[Ace: Thank god. I was going Crazy with Marco's silent moping. Lemme know if you're up for drinks later.]

[Zoro: Always up for a drink. Send Thatch my regards.]

"Zoro! I need three asters, four red roses and a white rose!"

"Coming, Boss!"


"Aster: Patience, Elegance and Afterthought."

Flowers for me (MarcoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now