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In the language of flowers: Ranunculus means 'charm, attraction, and radiance'.

Marco was already off to a bad morning. He speeded his way down the stairs of the lavish home, the purple sweater he was going to wear was around his
Waist, the perfume he was wearing was still fresh on his skin and he only had one shoe on.

He normally didn't need to stress the way he was dressing. But somehow today it was different. He wasn't going on a date with a model. He was going on a date with you.

He shoved whatever food Thatch placed on the table and checked his phone to see if he still had a bit of time.

He smiled a little when he saw that his conversations with you was the last thing from yesterday night. He's been texting you since Wednesday and you've been giving him funny selfies of you doing a leaf mustache and Zoro sleeping on the background. Numerous times. He saved his favorite one and used it as a contact picture for you.

[y/n: if I had a nickel for all the times I found Zoro sleeping, I'd be able to afford a penthouse.] 

[Marco: you should try counting the times I've seen Ace drop what he was doing and sleep right then and there. The joys of a narcoleptic brother.]

[Y/N: oh wow, hopefully I don't bore you to the point of sleeping]

[Marco: maybe you'd have to do like they do in Fairytales to wake the princess to me.]

[Y/N: good to know you identify as a Disney princess, Snow White.]

[Marco: Don't we all?]

Marco was chuckling to himself as he finally got ready. He placed his phone on his pocket until he felt it vibrate and groaned when he heard it.

He knew who that was.

"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your Hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in betw-"

"THATCH, you are so lucky I have to go right now!" he growled, making the subject of his future torment cackle from
the stairs as he grabbed the keys to his charcoal gray 2020 Honda Civic and rushed outside to ride  and pick you up.


"I don't know what to wear and Marco is gonna pick me up soon!"  You whined as you studied your choices that were laying neatly on the bed  once more. You felt your phone vibrate and blushed a pretty shade of pink. Marco was asking for directions so you had to send him a pin for Your current location. Once that was outta the way you ended going for the loose (fav/color) overall dress and a white shirt with your favorite floral Vans.

You went downstairs and checked if you had everything in your bag and gave you self a pep talk.

"You're going for coffee, (Y/N). You're not getting a marriage proposal. You look cute, today and always!" You put your game face on and when you heard a car horn outside you exited your house and locked up.

Your heart fluttered as you saw him step out of the car, and walking towards the house so he could meet up with you.

"I didn't  think you'd like to be gifted flowers, so I got you to this instead-"Marco Said softly as he produced a very delicate looking sugar flower lollipop. You looked at it in awe and accepted the small gift with much gusto. "I hope you like it. I, myself, am fond of these sugar pops. Good for sweetening up tea-yoi ." He said with a smile, making you blush.

"I think it's very sweet of you-uh, no pun intended." You said, appreciating the tiny detail as he looked a bit more relaxed with your answer.

Let's get going-yoi. It's a pretty day and we have plans." He said with a wink and he helped you inside the car, started the engine and both of you sped off.


The date was going swell.

First you visited a coffee shop for two hours and had the best coffee you'd have in a while, then you both went around for a ride along the coastline for an hour and finally after that you finally got hungry enough to eat so you went to a nice bistro you suggested.

The conversations went from 'my favorite color is purple' to 'Thatch said is a dick sometimes'. You giggled and laughed and he also laughed when you said your previous experience with Luffy and Ace when they would come to the shop just for shits and giggles.

Everything was going swell. You both however had to cut the day short because of Marco's phone. He looked serious when he asked for permission to step out and went outside to take the call. You saw him look slightly annoyed as he slicked his hair back and adjusted his glasses. With a sigh he ended the call and came back inside. Looking at you apologetically.

"Well, I have bad news." He started. You looked at him curiously as your food arrived and both started to dig in. "After we finish here we might need to get you back home. My job called and I have to fix something over there as soon as possible." He explained, looking a little embarrassed as you nodded.

"It's okay, don't worry. We can have another date if you want" you said with a grin making him blush and chuckle at your response. He nodded and continued your food.


An hour passed and you were being dropped off at your door. The tower of a man looked down at you and sighed while you opened the door. He really wanted to keep talking to you but work didn't really give him much.

"I really enjoyed my time with you today. I was serious when I said I'd like to go in another date..."you whispered to him, eyes looking up at him as he bent a little and kissed your cheek softly. "I'd like that very much, little florist. Maybe lunch? I know you have special days with Luffy and Zoro but I was thinking maybe two weeks from this one? Friday? Just us." He asked, hoping you'd say yes. You nodded.

"Great. I'll text you later, okay-yoi?" He whispered and waved his goodbyes while you stood there, shell shocked and sporting the happiest grin as he rode off and left you a melted mess.


While driving, Marco had the goofiest grin. He really liked today and it was a shame to end it like that. At least you made plans and it was all set.

He dialed in Thatch's number and his whole mood changed.

"Where's the asshole? I have a glock full and I'm feeling trigger happy-yoi." He growled. Driving a little faster to get this over with.

Thatch smirked in the other line "Just messaged you the details...Now, how did the date with (Y/N) go?~"


Ranunculus: charm, attraction, and radiance'.

Flowers for me (MarcoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now