Its time...

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--" Charging to 120, CLEAR!" *still flat lines* " Charge again to 230 CLEAR! " Yelled Link, " starting compressions" Jackson yelled. *B.P goes back to normal* We all sighed.

POV: Jackson Avery:
Her B.P went back to normal and she was waking up onto a gurney with a bunch of doctors around her, Teddy and Meredith were holding the big glass as still as possible, Jo was doing an ultrasound on her stoumach and Link and Amelia were looking else where. "Free fluid in abdomen" Jo said while the lights keep flickering, "obvious tibia fracture" Link said. I have noticed her opening her eyes, I held her hand " Hey, its Jackson, there was an accident, but we got you know, okay we got  you" I told her.

POV: Alexis:
I started to wake up in pain and chattering. There was doctors around me everywhere, and the lights keep flickering. Jackson looked at me and told me that I was was in another accident and that i'll be okay, but they always say that, but I think its time for me to go now. I wanted to tell him to let me go, but I started to cough up something that was bitter, my blood presure went up again, and I kept coughing up blood, which by the looks of the doctors faces were not good. The coughing had stopped, " Alexis, try not to move your arm or hip alot for me please " Teddy said hoping that i wont bleed out.
I faced to Jackson, " j-jacks-son" i mumbbled, " He looked at me with serious confusin " Yea- what is it?" he told me. My tears filled up with tears,
A: " can y-you do some thing for m-me?"
J:  "  sure what do you need. "
A: " ple-please let me g-go" ( breathing heavilly )
J:  " go where?"
A: " to my fam-family..."
The whole room went silence, " Shit, okay she is bleeding out of this glass here, said Teddy. " We need to move now " Jo said as unlocking the gurney to move to the O.R once again.
I took his hand, " Its time..." i said before coughing up some more blood and passing out

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