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The storm was coming g really early, like 5 days early, I sat at the window watching nurses and doctors run everywhere around and around. I was always sitting at the window watching the wind getting really heavy and starting to rain, no one came in to see me.I mean I get it, I wouldn't come see me either, I went in back to bed and watched T.V as thé time goes by.
The lights kept flickering so the T.V went off.
POV: Jackson Avery
The storm was coming. Me and Jo we're on preparation. Making sure we have blankets,  Meds, Pillows, Bandages and more just in case because of last time how that bus exploded. Mer came up to us " Should we move patients down to the lobby to make sure there all safe? "  she asked
" umm yea sure " Jo said as reading off the chart.
" I'll help " I offered " okay great, can you asked others to help too?" Meredith asked
I nodded my head as I left. " yo, Hunt can you help me and Mer move patient up to the front?" I asked
" sure let me finish to fill out these charts and I'll help out "  i patted him on his shoulder and moved on. I went to Alexix room, "Hey Jackson!" she said with a smile. " Hi Alexis, how you doing" i asked her " good, why you here shouldn't you be prepping for the storm?" she asked me
Yea well we thought that we could move all the patients to the lobby so there safe. And im herre to take you." i said
" No, take the others to safty, I'll be okay " she told me, i get that she was worried and she wants to help others. I wanted it to move on quickly so i just agreed and left. The wind grew bigger and trees looked like they were about to fall off. I looked over and saw that Link and Hunt were together, " Were just gonna move you downstairs to a safer place becuase of the storm okay?" said Hunt as they rolled the patient on the wheelchair.

POV: Alexis

I got up in a wired feeling, I felt like something banging really hard on the widow I walked towards the door to see owen coming upto me with a bag of my brothers beloggings in there. " Oh my god, about time " I said with a smile. i grabbed the bag and looked at him "thank you" I whispered. i quickly went back to my bed and opened it up. " You staying?" i asked him. " Uhh yea just for a little break," he said
I grabbed his sweater that was folded and unfolded it, " He had this for about uhh 4 years, see that little stain, that was when we went out to Burgers becuase he won his soccer match. he spilled ketchup and mustard on the same place," i chuckled. Owen smile and grabbed the sweater " well if i had this i would have made it much dirtier than he did. Oh and what about that watch." I laughed and looked back the bag and there was indeed a watch. I quickly grabbed the watch and saw Bailey walk in. " Hi Bailey " I said and kept looking at this old vintage watch as tears ran down my cheeks. " What happening " she whispered to owen. " This is my brothers old dead bag thingy " I answered her.  " And this, this was my fathers watch and when my brother turned 15 he passed it on, I was suppose to get my Mothers necklace when i turn 15 but my brother hid it in his watch. Its one of those watch that has like a secret storage space." I said as I pulled the necklace out of the watch. I laughed and cried. " Do you want me to-" Bailey said, I nodded my head and gave it to her. I grabbed my thick brown hair and pulled it up and bailey put on my mothers necklace on for me. "Thank you, all of you have been so nice to me, Do you treat all of your patients like this?" I asked in curiosity. " Just the ones who we belive in " Owen said as he got up and stretched and left the room. Bailey also got up " Do you need me? " she asked , "No, have fun wit all that " i said looked down at the necklace and then at the storm. She left the room, I kept playing my my necklace, I knew that I was only 14 but i couldn't get myself to wait any longer.
I have always loved my oms stuff. I always wanted to be just like her, she was pretty and smart and very very caring. I miss her. Owen came in again to take me down "did you get everyone else?" i asked as he nodded "ok one sec just check what that noise is".
The banging noise got louder and louder I got up from my bed to go see what had just happend and then BOOM.

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