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POV: Alexis
I took a deep breath in and looked up to my brother and looked back down at the bagel "we can do this another time if you like " said Bailey but I replied with no, I have to get it over with, I took a small bite and put the bagel back on the tray, I started to chew and as soon as I swallowed it and I felt like vomiting, my throat was dry so it didn't go down, Teddy offered me some water and of course I took it. I finally swallowed it all the way down. " Now can I walk!" I asked them, Jackson and Jo smiled.
Owen came Into my room " Just in time " he said.
Jo stood in front,  Owen took one arm and Jackson took the other and Bailey held my waist. I stood up and my legs were shaking, " Just relax, your doing great " I smiled and looked at Teddy, she had this big smile on her face, I imagined my best friend Angie in the corner cheering me on. I felt tears of joy coming down my cheeks. I took 4 steps and into my wheelchair. I sighed with relief. I walked back to bed.
" Let's go tomorrow!" I told them. They all chuckled and told me to finish my bagel. They left me alone.
I only ate like 3 bites, I was still getting use to it, This time Owen and Jo only came in they said that The others were prepping for the storm. Jo handed me a walker with wheels so soon I could walk by myself.
I got up by myself but I fell, Owen caught me " thanks " I said. Jo was on one side and Owen was on the other. I made it all the way to the window and back. Jo was so happy she started jumping up and down in the air.
They both got paged into a meeting so I used my new toy every time my energy came back up.
6 hours later I could take small steps all by my self. Meredith and Jackson came in and saw me walking with my walker and smiled and cheered me on.
I sat in my bed again, " when is the storm coming? "
I asked
" in about 10 days " said Mer  I smiled and nodded.
Jackson noticed that my eyes were really red and that I was sweating. He came and checked my I.V bag and took my temperature and showed it to Mer,
" what is it? " I asked in concern
" Alexis you have a  high fever of 98, you need to rest. So no more walking Untill it's gone. " He said. " WHAT, I feel fine! " I said while Meredith came and fixed my oxygen nose mask.
I sat in bed hoping that I will get better soon enough that I could walk again. It's been 2 days of nurses changing my I.V bag and changing my blankets and pillows, I didn't talk to anyone a lot because they were all prepping for the storm. It's been 3 day, " can you page Dr.Avery for me please " I asked the nurse. 
I waited about half an hour to see him at the door with a smoothie. " Did you need something?" He said
" No, I need someone to talk to "
He chuckled and looked at my chart, "  I know, I'm sorry we have been busy with the storm and everything" he said coming over to check my temperature. " Can I get out of this bed now?!" I said with a smile hoping that will convince him. " 99! That's good enough to start walking" he said happily  " Ugh, finally I said as I got the blanket off me and sat down at the edge of the bed.

What the hell happened to me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang