Im in pain

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POV:Jackson Avery
I went down to psych room 149 as I saw the guy chained to the gurney.
So your the attacker I said
He stared deeply in my eyes, I tried to stay calm and not yell at him but with all the anger I had inside of me he couldn't control it.
WHY DID U DO THAT ?  Huh why?
I know what you did and she is going to wake up and tell me what you did to her, then the police will come and arrest you
She will tell me the whole stories because we were friends before of what you did jackson said leaving the room.
That really pissed off the guy.
I went to check on my brother but he wasn't in his bed. I checked the O.R bored and saw that he was in surgery in O.R 2.
Then he saw my name on the bored beside O.R 4
I was confused because I didn't have any surgeries booked for today.
I rushed into the O.R to find Amelia fixing the the brain bleed and Dr.Bailey stitching up my stomach again.
I asked what happened, Bailey said: The sutures ripped so she started to bleed again and I fixed that
And Dr Shepard is fixing her brain bleed.
I asked where Dr Grey was and she was in O.R2 with her brother.
I went into O.R2 and they found out that the cancer had spread more and it's harder to stop. So now they have to use the chemo treatment to see if it stops.
Both of them are stable and up in their own room again.
After the surgery Me and Meredith sat up beside her. She woke up after an hour, We got up and told her that she's  ok and that she couldn't talk because of the tube her my throat.
She looked scared and in pain. I grabbed her hand and told her that everything is going to be okay.

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