Here we go again

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POV: Dr.Link
Where is Alexis? Yo Avery come in, where is she?
I don't know she was here when I left said Jackson
Wait what's that noise, (grunting noise).
Oh my god look, (points at a guy)
I ran towards the guy and I saw Alexis,  I didn't get a good look at her until I got punched really hard in the face and fell back down I saw her and she didn't have a good colour.
He pushed Jackson into the cabinets hitting his head.
POV: Dr.Jackson Avery
I came into into Alexis room while Link called me in,
Where is she he asked, me confused,
She was on her bed where I left I said. Link heard some grunting and walked towards Alexis bathroom,
He gasped and I saw an oddly familier face and body. IT WAS THE ATTACKER!! how did you get here I muttered, but that didn't bother me. The guy just got up and punched Link making him tumble back and falling on the floor.
I went up to see if Alexis was ok but the guy tried to throw a punch too but I ducked it, I went in to get to Alexis because she couldn't breathe but I only got a good glance of her before the guy came and grabbed my waist and pushed me into the wall with cabinets hitting my head.
POV: Alexis (the patient)
I saw 2 people coming and talking, it sounded like Jackson and Links voices, The guy went down on me and put his mouth over mine so they won't know I'm here. I tried to yell but the louder I got he would hurt me, then I started to make noise as much as I got with my mouth but I was in so much pain I didn't care, I just wanted him to get off me and so my doctors can come help me. I thought to myself if I should just give up and stop trying. Then I saw Dr. Link walking in my room and spotting me on the ground with a strange man on top of me. Then the next thing I knew was that the guy got up and punched Link while making him tumbling back and falling. I tried to move over to get help.
But the guy pushed me back, I heard Jacksons footsteps getting closer and closer. The guy pulls out a gun and told him to stay back or he will shoot him then shoot me then shoot link. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! He yelled
POV: The attacker
I pulled out my gun but there was only 3 bullets In there.
Shit I thought, I already have one guy down but he will probably get back up but I can shoot the 2 doctors  and then choke her to death later he thought all to him self. Is t-that full Jackson asked ?
I stared at him and put the gun down
Oh so yo-you don't think this is full ? Huh?
I - i um no i think it is very full Jackson replied.
But I can I tell he was wasn't saying the truth.
You wanna really see that it's full I told him pointing the gun towards me.
O-okay just put the gun down now before anyone gets hurt anymore Jackson said.
No! you don't believe me, *BOOM* but you do now.
I just shot her in the hip.
Jackson face was shocked as She was lying there crying in pain.
POV: Alexis
I just got shot in the hip and I turned and I saw Jackson scared out of his mind.
The guy tried to shoot him but he dodge the bullet Jackson punched that guy making the gun fly out of his hand and then looked at me, he went to get down and help me but by that time the guy already scooted him and got the gun knowing it was his last bullet and tried to shoot Jackson but I noticed and I slowly brought my leg up to protect him so the bullet wouldn't hit him. And with my surprise if worked! The bullet went straight into my thigh instead of his chest. Jackson looked confused on why I just did that. The guy got up and so did Jackson. The guy pushed him into the wall hitting his head. I slowly moved to see and I saw Jackson rubbing his head not opening his eyes and Link coming in with security with his hands on his jaw.
I looked back at him then at Jackson and still tried to scoot my way over to him but all I did was make everything worse.

What the hell happened to me?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن